Vaccine Authoritarianism has arrived in Washington, D.C.

On January 15, 2022, Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s edict goes into effect. DC Health VaxDC mandates vaccination passports to be shown for admittance into restaurants, movie theaters, sports venues, gyms, conference halls, and “any other indoor establishment designated by the Director of the DC Department of Health.”
While medical and religious exemptions are allowed, it will be necessary to also provide evidence of a negative PCR or antigen test from within the past 24 hours.
Certain businesses remain exempt including retail, grocery, farmer’s markets, churches, and shelters. Also exempt are government offices, and health care facilities. (Fliers of the mandate are downloadable at VaxDC | coronavirus.)
The reception for the mandates in mostly liberal Washington, D.C. region has been chilly judging from the comments at the in “DC Will Allow Medical and Religious Exemptions to Vaccine Mandates for Indoor Venues.” Perhaps it is because those businesses which did not declare bankruptcy are still recovering from the COVID lockdown and BLM/Trump riots of 2020. These include hotels, restaurants, cafes, taxi services, tour bus operators, boutique retails, educational companies, laundromats, tailors, theaters, etc.
But in the middle of all this, one thing does stand out as the symbol for the Mayor’s philosophy that the city can overcome: the creation of Black Lives Matters plaza; many beautiful BLM murals; and a task-force, DCFACES, to study the removal, renaming, or relocation of monuments, statues, schools, parks, and buildings which evoke slavery and racial oppression. Meanwhile, no one can complain that even amid rapid ongoing gentrification, the disenfranchised are able to continue with food stamps and benefits.
Amidst the world-wide social-engineering of mass-formation responses to the Omicron variant, #DefeattheMandatesDC is planning a protest on Sunday, January 23, 2022 at the White House, including a march to the Lincoln Memorial.
Here is an op-ed prepared at YourHomelessBlog as an initial response to the global lock-step authoritarianism in requiring covid-passports, mandatory confinement, and shedding of employees who do not want to take the shots. “What would Jesus Do?” is an essay pointing out why the author believes Jesus nor his disciples would comply. They fearlessly loved everyone and in the name of the one true God, of course!
Illustration from, 2022 Calendar