Sanitized Regime Change Operation: Will It Hold?

Syria regime-change at last!

Dirty Civil War Causing Much Suffering In the most unlikely time, the end of the Biden Administration has been one of allowing accelerating war to take hold in Ukraine, and in Palestine-Syria-Lebanon-Yemen-Iran. Asian Green News previously reported on Syria’s civil war in a two-part series “Syria: Globalists Cold, Wet Dream” in 2015. At that time, the topic appeared to be […]

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How Will Trump Remedy Biden’s Legacy of War and Death in Ukraine

Cartoon from The Last American Vagabond

On November 18th, Sunday around 2pm, President Biden gave Ukraine dictator Zelensky permission to use long-range ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) missiles, which have a range of 300km. This would have been while the President was in Latin America, because there are photos of Biden meeting with President Xi Jinping in Lima, Peru during the APEC Summit, then staying on […]

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World Economic Forum, United Nations, Greater Israel Extortion

3. Israel & Netanyahu - The Plan for Greater Israel - Brendon O'Connell

Vatican Is the Pope Really Infallible? The assertation that his Holiness is infallible as Pope is reprehensible even if he were not the head of the Church. He is mere man, full of bodily frailty and the limited perspective of a pampered aristocrat. Certainly his spiritual books are well-written, but it hardly qualifies him to comment on political issues bedecked […]

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Latest News on Dying Empire and Ten Principles

New global security architecture will emphasize peace and honor national sovereignty

Crimea developments The latest news from both the Ukraine-Russia warfront and the “War on Gaza” is not good, however, the West keeps reporting that Russia is losing, and America must support Israel in the war against Hamas. As for the new theater opening in China, the mainstream and even alt-media independent reporters spread false claims and even smears. For instance, […]

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Iran wrapped in mourning due to President Raisi tragedy

Dam on Aras (Araks/Arax) River border between Iran and Azerbaijan

Over the past week, the country of Iran is embroiled in statewide mourning and ceremonial expressions of grief. The sadness is due to the loss of President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, East Azerbaijan Governor (Iran) Malek Rahmati, Representative of the Iranian supreme leader in East Azerbaijan Mohammed Ali Ale-Hashem, Head of presidential guard Mehdi Mousavi, along with other […]

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Seerah on Gaza: Kindness in face of Hostility

Palestinian children deserve to live_IMEU_halfview

The atrocities in Gaza have continued unabated despite Security Council resolution 2720 passed at the United Nations on 22 Dec 2023. The aid resolution passed with an abstention by Russia and the United States, but it calls for “immediate, safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale directly to the Palestinian civilian population throughout the Gaza Strip.” Nevertheless, the […]

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Waging Peace During Raging U-R War

From Scott Ritter Extra on Rumble

Summary: Scott Ritter retired intel is on a mission of cultural and political diplomacy because the U.S. is not willing to undertake the role of peace-maker for Ukraine. Is he a Manchurian candidate for a diplomat? Scott Ritter, retired U.N. Weapons inspector, has been touring Russia to film a “Waging Peace” documentary. The documentary will probably include material from several […]

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Global Movement for Peace for Ukraine

can the phoenix match the dove

Darkening Skies presage Doomsday At the United Nations last month Mexico’s delegation conveyed the hope of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to convene a special emergency caucus in order to provide a pathway for peace dialogue. Perhaps a new Minsk Accords that would include an immediate ceasefire and negotiations for resettlement for the people of Ukraine. However since the Nordstream […]

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How Biden Ukraine foreign policy threatens world stability

Many Georgetown businesses support Ukraine

According to experts and media pundits, the Ukraine war is becoming a dangerous debacle because the Biden administration refuses to negotiate openly and honestly with Russia. Since the Russian invasion on February 26, 2022, a pre-emptive action which President Putin labels as “special military operations” to take back NATO-militarized borderlands, the U.S., NATO, and world allies have implemented aggressive multilateral […]

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Real People-Owned Democracy Works, China’s Forum

Columbus Circle Washington DC

Over the past months, the West has launched a new war in Ukraine via its NATO proxies. Recently an aid package amounting to 40 billion dollars and a new Lend-Lease Act passed through the House of Representatives in Washington. A huge increase in the sale of armaments, all kinds of weapons, vehicle systems, training, expertise, and hiring of mercenaries is […]

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Biden administration embattled with twin crisis of its own manufacturing

Beautiful day on the Capitol grounds

Currently the President Biden Administration faces critical choices with regard to resolving twin crises: The crisis in mass protests, including trucker convoys, against any vaccine mandates. The second is the unfolding crisis in Ukraine, after a prolonged military buildup on both sides, but now with Russia taking the first step in pre-emptive war. The strange thing is that the twin […]

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Six logistical challenges faced by #ConvoytoDC 2022

U.S. Capitol Building 2021 Pre-Inauguration

In early March, the American counterpart of #FreedomConvoy is heading to Washington, DC from the West Coast. However, unlike the awesome showing of support across Canada for the truckers heading to Ottowa, Canada, in the United States, it’s more likely #ConvoytoDC will be hard put to stave off rising hostility. As an investigative technical journalist based in District of Columbia, […]

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