Seerah on Gaza: Kindness in face of Hostility

Palestinian children deserve to live_IMEU_halfview

The atrocities in Gaza have continued unabated despite Security Council resolution 2720 passed at the United Nations on 22 Dec 2023. The aid resolution passed with an abstention by Russia and the United States, but it calls for “immediate, safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale directly to the Palestinian civilian population throughout the Gaza Strip.” Nevertheless, the […]

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NGOs growing outrage over Palestine genocide

Questioning the undivided loyalty to Israel in fight against Palestinians

United Nations stymied by US-Israel partnership December 20, 2023 — The United Nations convened a Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly on “East Jerusalem & Palestinian Territories.” It seems that the Arab nations will not give up trying to enact ‘humanitarian ceasefire’ resolutions, hoping that the United States will sign on. So far it has not. On December 8, […]

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Greatest Nakba Ever, Apartheid-Genocide

Cartoon is freedom of expression especially if massacres take place

75 years of Nakba According to many witnesses, this is the greatest Nakba happening right now in Palestine. What is happening is being documented in real-time, even if the authorities try to censor or shutdown internet providers. Nakba, per various sources, refers to the tragedy and catastrophe that has unfolded time and again in Palestine ever since its take-over by […]

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Appalling bloodshed in Gaza continues

AlJazeera Israel-Gaza War in maps and charts by AJLabs

In the nearly two months since the attack by Hamas into southern Israel, the violence between Israel and Hamas has been unabated, particularly on the part of Israel with its use of disproportionate bombing of civilian facilities (schools, hospitals, residences, mosques) based on the claim that Hamas is embedded among the population. Except for the recent 4-day ceasefire negotiated in […]

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Muslim American Community Shares Grave Concerns

Since October 7, 2023 and the horrific attacks by Hamas, violence between Israelis and Palestinians has accelerated and there are new grave concerns over the escalation. In recent days, the Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has vowed to invade Gaza with tanks and military troops. Today a fresh campaign of intense bombing is underway against Gaza. Yesterday there was a […]

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Thorny issue of immigration (Op-ed)

Angels Unawares

There is absolutely no doubt that immigration is a thorny issue on the side of the West these days. Under liberalism, especially neoliberalism, no matter what the conditions of the state, we must serve as a receivership of migrants, both legal and illegal nowadays. This had been going on a long time. Recall the days in the 1990s when Asian […]

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Supporting Turkiye and Syria

Over the past month, the country of Turkiye in Asia Minor is in great distress from repeated earthquakes. Up to 7.8 on the Richter scale, with many aftershocks. The most recent follow up earthquakes was two days ago, 6.4 and 5.8 on the Richter scale. Due to the connection with the plate and fault, Syria is also an affected region, […]

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Time Warp Again….

Ren abides by hope

This is a crosspost from testing my free wordpress account. Believe it or not, I have never really tested it out, and after a 13-year hiatus between 2009-2022, of course there is a real difference, especially when the free-version is very top-loaded with apps and options. Here is the original link from The Times have changed… It’s been over […]

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Space for Healing from War Stress

"Love & Peace" by Fo Guang Shan

The last couple of years have been rocky for so many people because of COVID-19 and now the new war in Ukraine. Amid the spin, few have noticed that technology has continued at nearly a frenetic pace. According to Steve St. Angelo, speaking at Geopolitics & Empire last December, the Great Reset as envisioned by the World Economic Forum may […]

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BDS: Stop the bloodshed, End the Occupations, How banks are Complicit

The past weeks have seen a 3rd great intifada, which Al-Jazeera will call, the Great War of Israel-Palestine 2021. Although as of May 21, 2021, a ceasefire is in effect after a week of deliberations at the United Nations, during which the United States rejected calls for such several times, the war is not over. In fact, a huge arms […]

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Finding Peace within After Death

Homeless moved here and there in DC

From Your Homeless Blogger, “Making Peace with God-Universe-Nature.” Too few news pundits talk about Death and its impacts on our lives from anything other than a bonehead statistical perspective. Newsmakers focus on numbers and demographics, but never on the deeper ramifications. In fact, too often when someone dies or is being mistreated, such as at Sehome facility in Bellingham, Washington, […]

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Signs Your Habitat is Controlled by a Slumlord

Homeless in DC

Here is a crosspost from Recently I ran into a person I used to see at Miriam’s Kitchen, one of the poets of our group. There were several white males in our group that met every Wednesday morning (pre-Covid). One was a former professor, up in years, who due to taking care of his wife, had used up his […]

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