Time is Running Out : The War State Looms over North Korea

Map of Far East Command Bases (US Department of Defense)

According to AntiWar.com, White House officials continue to threaten North Korea (DPRK), warning that “time is running out” and that at some point action will be taken unless accessions are made with regard to complete nuclear disarmament. Of course whether the threat is made by President Trump or by his National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, the 12-day trip to Asia […]

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Green Party Jill Stein appeals to Bernie’s 99% via #OccupytheDebates

Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka Green Party 2016

Dr. Jill Stein believes she can win. She so believes this that she emphatically states that if 43 million millennials voted for her—if only because she promises a college debt jubilee—she could win the U.S. Presidency. A trained family physician and twice-presidential nominee of the Green Party, Dr. Stein’s soft-spoken voice belies her determination and skill in rhetoric. This is […]

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Sam Hill Wrong in Flagstaff

Sam Hill Wrong in Flagstaff

There are a lot of ironies built-in to this story about what in “Sam Hill Wrong in Flagstaff.” First, my arrival was adventitious, due to a broken-down Greyhound bus, and tired of certain troublesome creatures on the bus. Second, generally I had a swell time in Flagstaff: it’s beautiful, the air is fresh and clean. Third, my complaints originated from […]

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