Ignore the Trolls, Forge Ahead (Press News Review)

ignore the trolls

This is an impromptu editorial due to the heaviness that weighs in everyone’s heart due to the L.A. wildfires. We should be thankful and hopeful because at least in terms of the national agenda, President Trump is very much meeting his supporters greatest concerns. On day one, President Trump signed an “Initial Rescissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions” taking […]

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Horrifying atrocities in the Age of Nihilism

Daily life amid the rubble of Gaza

In the age of nihilism, no bona-fide spiritually good practice is immune from virtual or direct meddling by the dark forces, whether it is Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, or any of its parent-child offshoots (eg. Protestants, Falun Gong, Alawites). This is why prayers and petitions are needed, along with nonviolent support for the resistance. Division (sowing dissent) and hating is so […]

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Nation Sleeping-Walking into World War: What to Do

Germany has limited bomb shelters for population of 84 million (HalTurnerRadioShow photo)

Europe has been warning residents to prepare for a nuclear war since October; Russia has also been warning residents to prepare emergency survival packs. However even with preparations, many cities have allowed their fall-out shelters to become antiquated. Germany may be on the Russia hitlist due to the Ramstein Airforce Base, an effective defense coordination center, and home to the […]

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How Will Trump Remedy Biden’s Legacy of War and Death in Ukraine

Cartoon from The Last American Vagabond

On November 18th, Sunday around 2pm, President Biden gave Ukraine dictator Zelensky permission to use long-range ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) missiles, which have a range of 300km. This would have been while the President was in Latin America, because there are photos of Biden meeting with President Xi Jinping in Lima, Peru during the APEC Summit, then staying on […]

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Trump Setting Priorities During Post-Election Victory

Afternoon prayer service on November 5th at the White House Lafayette Park

No sooner has the former President Trump been re-elected to be the next President of the United States, and trouble is already brewing albeit in covert ways. On the surface, it appears there are many wins and the Republican Party for once can breathe a collective sigh of relief. The Republicans have captured the White House, the U.S. Senate, the […]

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Voter Intimidation is Illegal (Op-ed)

Loose voter ID laws enable voter fraud.

There are reports of voter-bullying taking place in Pennsylvania and Montana. People supporting Trump have received threatening letters, such as threatening their personal safety or livelihood. This is illegal as it falls under the category of harassment and stalking. Nobody should try to infringe on another person’s vote by spying on them, then conducting an attack. It is also illegal […]

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Hurricane Helene victims stranded and left to die

Flooding from Hurricane Helene undermines roadways

Alt Media Coverage on Hurricane Vice-Presidential Debate Higher Priority than Hurricane Helene The establishment media coverage of the Hurricane Helene landfall is atrocious. They have not only been undercovering the devastation, but using it as just another weapon in their political lynching of the GOP campaigns, in particular the President Donald J. Trump candidacy. The news stations have been prevented […]

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World Economic Forum, United Nations, Greater Israel Extortion

3. Israel & Netanyahu - The Plan for Greater Israel - Brendon O'Connell

Vatican Is the Pope Really Infallible? The assertation that his Holiness is infallible as Pope is reprehensible even if he were not the head of the Church. He is mere man, full of bodily frailty and the limited perspective of a pampered aristocrat. Certainly his spiritual books are well-written, but it hardly qualifies him to comment on political issues bedecked […]

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Vote for Kennedy, Heal the Divide: “Recovering America”

From trailer of "Recovering America"

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will soon qualify to be on the ballot for U.S. President 2024 in all 50 states, including in the District of Columbia, but many voters don’t know it. Kennedy Jr. confirmed this in a live call while thanking his volunteers for helping collect signatures. Team Kennedy is holding campaign conferences and phone banks to reach out […]

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Anti-Netanyahu Color Revolution Protests in DC

July 24th Free Palestine

This week there have been protests daily during Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to Congress in Washington, D.C. this July 22-26th, 2024. There are unusual circumstances surrounding this visit, one of at least four that the Prime Minister has made over the years. First, he is staying at Watergate Hotel, instead of Blair House which is the official White House […]

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Falun Gong Parade 2024 in Washington DC

“An ancient practice, for a modern age.” A spectacular display from the Falun Gong Association of New York and many sections from around the country took place here in Washington, DC recently. On Thursday July 11, 2024, a hot summer day, the 32nd year celebration of Falun Gong Buddhist movement commenced at 1pm starting from Pennsylvania Avenue near the National […]

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Latest News on Dying Empire and Ten Principles

New global security architecture will emphasize peace and honor national sovereignty

Crimea developments The latest news from both the Ukraine-Russia warfront and the “War on Gaza” is not good, however, the West keeps reporting that Russia is losing, and America must support Israel in the war against Hamas. As for the new theater opening in China, the mainstream and even alt-media independent reporters spread false claims and even smears. For instance, […]

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