Ignore the Trolls, Forge Ahead (Week 2 News Review)

ignore the trolls

The Trump Administration is forging ahead with plans to create a more efficient government, and at such a rapid clip that the press can barely keep up. Here are some of the undercovered news which have occurred that the alternative news media is doing a better job at covering. From TruNews.com, “Political Shock as Trump Fulfills Campaign Promises,” yesterday President […]

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Millions brave cold for 2nd Trump Inauguration

People stood in long lines spanning 8 blocks hoping for a seat at the Trump Victory Rally

Washington, DC — Hundreds of thousands of people flocked to the nation’s capital in Washington, D.C. this weekend for celebratory events including the Victory Rally, Inauguration Rally, plus Inauguration Balls, and Special Parties this Martin Luther King, Jr. Day weekend. However security was exceptionally tight due to the repeated assassination attempts upon President-elect Donald Trump’s life during the past summer. […]

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Hurricane Helene victims stranded and left to die

Flooding from Hurricane Helene undermines roadways

Alt Media Coverage on Hurricane Vice-Presidential Debate Higher Priority than Hurricane Helene The establishment media coverage of the Hurricane Helene landfall is atrocious. They have not only been undercovering the devastation, but using it as just another weapon in their political lynching of the GOP campaigns, in particular the President Donald J. Trump candidacy. The news stations have been prevented […]

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Falun Gong Parade 2024 in Washington DC

“An ancient practice, for a modern age.” A spectacular display from the Falun Gong Association of New York and many sections from around the country took place here in Washington, DC recently. On Thursday July 11, 2024, a hot summer day, the 32nd year celebration of Falun Gong Buddhist movement commenced at 1pm starting from Pennsylvania Avenue near the National […]

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Latest News on Dying Empire and Ten Principles

New global security architecture will emphasize peace and honor national sovereignty

Crimea developments The latest news from both the Ukraine-Russia warfront and the “War on Gaza” is not good, however, the West keeps reporting that Russia is losing, and America must support Israel in the war against Hamas. As for the new theater opening in China, the mainstream and even alt-media independent reporters spread false claims and even smears. For instance, […]

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Gaza Strip’s Universities Destroyed in Cultural Genocide

Blood for Oil, Gaza Gas Deal, Palestine Chronicle

Latest–Israel deprives the Palestinians of water The Zionists of Israel have not only been stealing from the Palestinians of the West Bank, but poisoning their water wells as Al Jazeera has reported. The latest method for taking over the West Bank includes sending in concrete trucks to pour concrete down Palestinian-owned water wells in order to cut off their water […]

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Global Day for Gaza: Protest at Israeli Embassy in DC

Thousands of people gathered at the Embassy of Israel in support of Palestine, and the late-Aaron Bushnell, U.S. Airman

Washington, DC — On Saturday afternoon beginning at 12 noon of March 2nd, protesters filled the street in front of the Embassy of Israel located at Van Ness Street NW and International Drive NW. The number of demonstrators easily numbered in the thousands including passersby. Police blocked the entrance to Van Ness from Connecticut Ave NW, and marchers filed from […]

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Bullying against AAPI: Fightback News

President John F Kennedy, 35th president of the United States, the ideal Peace President

Most AAPI know that the discrimination against nonblacks is getting worse by the day. Brave journalists such as Jonathan Choe of Discovery Institute has brought to the fore the atrocities against Asians committed on the streets of Seattle. Most recently this includes a racist person smashing windows at the Wing Luke Museum, racist robberies and shootings in South Seattle/Beacon Hill […]

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Too many fires, why oh why?

Fire_as in wildfires, sudden fires

According to the news, the first sign of the tragedy that unfolded in Lahaina, Maui in Hawaii two weeks ago, on August 8, 2023, was an early morning brush fire in uninhabited lands off the coastal highway roughly northeast of town. The fire crew had put the fire out according to various reports by about 10am in the morning, and […]

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Waging Peace During Raging U-R War

From Scott Ritter Extra on Rumble

Summary: Scott Ritter retired intel is on a mission of cultural and political diplomacy because the U.S. is not willing to undertake the role of peace-maker for Ukraine. Is he a Manchurian candidate for a diplomat? Scott Ritter, retired U.N. Weapons inspector, has been touring Russia to film a “Waging Peace” documentary. The documentary will probably include material from several […]

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Saving the Cannibalistic Void

Bear as in the animal

“You can have your illusion of freedom and independence, just know that Big Brother is watching it all, every dollar you spend, every place you travel, every move you make, every second of the day…We aim to hear your thoughts too.”—-Technocratic Society for Mass Dysfunctionalism Moral dysfunctionalism The end of the totalitarianism only began with the fight for freedom but […]

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Consequences are simple

What you harbor is what it can become

“All thoughts that have huge consequences are always simple. My idea is that since vicious people unite with one another and become strong, then honest people must but do the same. It’s that simple.” Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace Easter always brings on unique challenges just like Christmas. At Christmas, the challenge generally is on the competition between consumerism vs […]

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