Maximum pressure on North Korea: humanitarian groups labor under sanctions

North Korean children perform at school children palace

According to Women Cross DMZ, North Koreans this winter will continue to struggle with an unprecedented number of sanctions. Sanctions have been imposed on North Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) since 1950 ostensibly because it is an authoritarian communist regime. However the number of sanctions rose sharply after 2006 for its launching of ballistic missiles and conducting of nuclear […]

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Zhentong: Monkhood, cultivation, and few regrets

Journey to discover the Way

In the war of the worlds, good news is getting harder to share. Nevertheless, its important to share stories of hope, self-actualization, and well-being. Sister Zhentong rejected the lifestyle of an ordinary woman. Like Sakyamuni, she retreated from the world to try to answer deep questions. Who are we, and what is our final destiny? Must we live lives of […]

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Will the Church Repair it’s Reputation?

Pope Gregory XIII Unleashing Draco

Note: This article contains disturbing details and imagery per the article on  crimes against humanity cited below.  Now that mainstream media is hailing Pope Francis as the “rockstar of the Catholic Church,” it is clear that what the Pope espouses resonates with his crowds. It’s time to help the poor, care for the environment, and offer decent opportunities for the […]

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Pope Francis’s Speeches Contain Blessings for the Poor

Pope Francis at U.S. Congress

Pope Francis’s speech to the Congress yesterday emphasized the need to work together, to take care of the poor, and the moral imperative of climate change. His text contains much in the way of moral allusions and transcendent perspective and spoken with a heavily accented English was difficult to understand at times. In fact, his speech is so unusual in […]

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