#FreedomConvoy unifies to defend inalienable rights

Thankyou, Truckers

The longest truck convoy in human history has amassed in Canada since January 28th. The #FreedomConvoy saga began three weeks ago in January and headed mostly to Ottowa, Canada, the nation’s capital. Truckers planned for months how to respond to a growing list of stipulations. This would include longer hours between rest breaks, higher fuel prices, lower pay, carbon taxes, […]

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Doctors describe mRNA technology as unsafe, deadly: samples

graphene clumps

The science-fiction cult movies such as “Coccoon” and “Aliens” spring to mind when one thinks about the “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” So does the book genre, such as Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke, or Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells. And believe it or not, life mimics art now, as the elite globalists hatched a plan to […]

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Snakes in the Garden – Op-ed

Be happy!

Or how even the best of intentions can fail…[Crosspost from yourhomelessblog]   Every day now is a struggle for many Americans who must cope with the prevalent surreality — if they are awake! How many of us are not awake, because we are forced into a mold that disallows us the privilege of thinking for ourselves much less with expression? […]

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BDS: Stop the bloodshed, End the Occupations

PalestineCampaign.org, How banks are Complicit

The past weeks have seen a 3rd great intifada, which Al-Jazeera will call, the Great War of Israel-Palestine 2021. Although as of May 21, 2021, a ceasefire is in effect after a week of deliberations at the United Nations, during which the United States rejected calls for such several times, the war is not over. In fact, a huge arms […]

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Finding Peace within After Death

Homeless moved here and there in DC

From Your Homeless Blogger, “Making Peace with God-Universe-Nature.” Too few news pundits talk about Death and its impacts on our lives from anything other than a bonehead statistical perspective. Newsmakers focus on numbers and demographics, but never on the deeper ramifications. In fact, too often when someone dies or is being mistreated, such as at Sehome facility in Bellingham, Washington, […]

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Signs Your Habitat is Controlled by a Slumlord

Homeless in DC

Here is a crosspost from YourHomelessBlog.blogspot.com Recently I ran into a person I used to see at Miriam’s Kitchen, one of the poets of our group. There were several white males in our group that met every Wednesday morning (pre-Covid). One was a former professor, up in years, who due to taking care of his wife, had used up his […]

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Israel’s Jihad on Palestine?

Solidarity with Palestine forever

Not many Americans understand how Palestine was like before 1948. Vintage photos from the early period indicate that at least under British colonialism, the Palestinians experienced travel and work opportunities commensurate to the efforts they made. They had rights in their own native land to live as they chose, and they had plenty of dignity and self-worth. They owned the […]

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Sharing Future Visions from the #UNGA75 Commemoration

#ShapingOurFuture Conference UN75

The thematic celebration of United Nations Global Anniversary 75 years brought many perspectives to light for “Shaping Our Future Together.” It was the first virtual conference of its kind, a summit of recorded statements by heads of states, ministers, and diplomats. All 193 members were allowed to deliver speeches of up to 10 minutes. The official celebration was held between […]

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Unit 731: Japanese-style Auschwitz, never again?

Unit 731 infograph pacificatrocities.org

The global shutdown from the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented, and as nations are grappling with adaptations and perspectives, the United Nations Secretary Antonio Guterres has recommended time and again that all nations cooperate and collaborate with one another. On June 26, 2020, he stood up for the United Nations Charter and reminded us of that watershed moment at its 75th […]

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Trump fuels anti-Asian hate wave: What to do

03/30/2020, Times Square. NYC

AGN Editor Preface: There’s no question President Trump’s attitude and comments are fueling hostility towards Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI). National organizations are trying to combat the hatred. They take a more generic approach, while others are rooted in community-based heritage and AAPI cultural identity. On a personal level, you owe it to yourself to stand up for yourself and […]

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DC Homeless experience COVID-19 side effects

Union Station missing spring tourists

The homeless community in the Washington, D.C. metro region are abnormally adversely affected by all the side ramifications of COVID-19 from not being able to frequent their usual haunts to not being able to panhandle. Many of the most vulnerable suffer from mental illness and may not even be aware of the crisis. They may not understand the symptoms of […]

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DC Tenants Union draws attention to affordability crisis

TENAC organizes, April 5, 2019

The DC Tenants Union met on July 20, 2019 at the All Souls Church on 16th Street in Washington, D.C. Visitors and union members exchanged stories about how increasing rent prices have affected them and what they are trying to do about it. DC Tenants Union is one of a handful of organizations representing tenant organizing and advocacy by tenants […]

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