Update on wars


There are so many facets on the bits-and-pieces of World War 3 that it is not easy to cover. Anyone who thinks we are not already mired in World War 3 is a fool. The NATO is just wrapping up yet another exercise from the past two weeks in Europe, with practice exercises adjacent to the Russian border. About 20 […]

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Mysterious Turkiye-Syria Earthquakes: Inquiry Needed


According to Gospanews.net, the origins of the catastrophic earthquakes that struck in Turkiye and Syria on February 6, 2023 may have links to hydrofracking activity. This is important to investigate, whether or not oil-and-gas development is linked to the earth rupturing events. The latest reports from the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC/CESM) indicate that every day there are earthquakes happening […]

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New Year Resolution: Benevolence

Kindness include for yourself too

When a blogger is forced to reconsider their entire layout due to a defunct theme, outdated PHP, insecure plugin, it really can be frustrating. Fortunately WordPress has lots of supporters, developers, and a community that includes anything from new software creators, content creators, educational or training websites, and the diverse spectrum of users. So for the present outlay which has […]

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Time Warp Again….

Ren abides by hope

This is a crosspost from testing my free wordpress account. Believe it or not, I have never really tested it out, and after a 13-year hiatus between 2009-2022, of course there is a real difference, especially when the free-version is very top-loaded with apps and options. Here is the original link from https://christinehkroll.wordpress.com/ The Times have changed… It’s been over […]

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Media Talk: Conscripts for the 1%

Left doesn't accept the Right, right?

Talking about the media is a thorny issue, yet it must be done to protect our democracy. Both John Dewey and Ben Franklin, great thinkers if not great men, believe that community dialogue is an integral part of developing a healthily informed society. Yet today, one must ask, to what extent does that actually take place? We already know the […]

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Luc Montagnier, Experiment with Water, Advocate for the People, Gentleman-Scientist

Chelan, Cascades

Dr. Luc Montagnier may have won the Nobel Prize on the discovery of AIDS genome, but it is his activism in COVID-19 and great water experiment for which he will be remembered. It is because the persecution of whistleblowers about the COVID-19 vaccine hoax has been and continues to be extreme. To this date, vaccine mandates remain in place for […]

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Biden administration embattled with twin crisis of its own manufacturing

Beautiful day on the Capitol grounds

Currently the President Biden Administration faces critical choices with regard to resolving twin crises: The crisis in mass protests, including trucker convoys, against any vaccine mandates. The second is the unfolding crisis in Ukraine, after a prolonged military buildup on both sides, but now with Russia taking the first step in pre-emptive war. The strange thing is that the twin […]

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Six logistical challenges faced by #ConvoytoDC 2022

U.S. Capitol Building 2021 Pre-Inauguration

In early March, the American counterpart of #FreedomConvoy is heading to Washington, DC from the West Coast. However, unlike the awesome showing of support across Canada for the truckers heading to Ottowa, Canada, in the United States, it’s more likely #ConvoytoDC will be hard put to stave off rising hostility. As an investigative technical journalist based in District of Columbia, […]

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#FreedomConvoy unifies to defend inalienable rights

Thankyou, Truckers

The longest truck convoy in human history has amassed in Canada since January 28th. The #FreedomConvoy saga began three weeks ago in January and headed mostly to Ottowa, Canada, the nation’s capital. Truckers planned for months how to respond to a growing list of stipulations. This would include longer hours between rest breaks, higher fuel prices, lower pay, carbon taxes, […]

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Doctors describe mRNA technology as unsafe, deadly: samples

graphene clumps

The science-fiction cult movies such as “Coccoon” and “Aliens” spring to mind when one thinks about the “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” So does the book genre, such as Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke, or Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells. And believe it or not, life mimics art now, as the elite globalists hatched a plan to […]

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Snakes in the Garden – Op-ed

Be happy!

Or how even the best of intentions can fail…[Crosspost from yourhomelessblog]   Every day now is a struggle for many Americans who must cope with the prevalent surreality — if they are awake! How many of us are not awake, because we are forced into a mold that disallows us the privilege of thinking for ourselves much less with expression? […]

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BDS: Stop the bloodshed, End the Occupations

PalestineCampaign.org, How banks are Complicit

The past weeks have seen a 3rd great intifada, which Al-Jazeera will call, the Great War of Israel-Palestine 2021. Although as of May 21, 2021, a ceasefire is in effect after a week of deliberations at the United Nations, during which the United States rejected calls for such several times, the war is not over. In fact, a huge arms […]

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