Nation Sleeping-Walking into World War: What to Do

Germany has limited bomb shelters for population of 84 million (HalTurnerRadioShow photo)

Europe has been warning residents to prepare for a nuclear war since October; Russia has also been warning residents to prepare emergency survival packs. However even with preparations, many cities have allowed their fall-out shelters to become antiquated. Germany may be on the Russia hitlist due to the Ramstein Airforce Base, an effective defense coordination center, and home to the […]

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World Economic Forum, United Nations, Greater Israel Extortion

3. Israel & Netanyahu - The Plan for Greater Israel - Brendon O'Connell

Vatican Is the Pope Really Infallible? The assertation that his Holiness is infallible as Pope is reprehensible even if he were not the head of the Church. He is mere man, full of bodily frailty and the limited perspective of a pampered aristocrat. Certainly his spiritual books are well-written, but it hardly qualifies him to comment on political issues bedecked […]

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Anti-Netanyahu Color Revolution Protests in DC

July 24th Free Palestine

This week there have been protests daily during Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to Congress in Washington, D.C. this July 22-26th, 2024. There are unusual circumstances surrounding this visit, one of at least four that the Prime Minister has made over the years. First, he is staying at Watergate Hotel, instead of Blair House which is the official White House […]

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Seerah on Gaza: Kindness in face of Hostility

Palestinian children deserve to live_IMEU_halfview

The atrocities in Gaza have continued unabated despite Security Council resolution 2720 passed at the United Nations on 22 Dec 2023. The aid resolution passed with an abstention by Russia and the United States, but it calls for “immediate, safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale directly to the Palestinian civilian population throughout the Gaza Strip.” Nevertheless, the […]

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Greatest Nakba Ever, Apartheid-Genocide

Cartoon is freedom of expression especially if massacres take place

75 years of Nakba According to many witnesses, this is the greatest Nakba happening right now in Palestine. What is happening is being documented in real-time, even if the authorities try to censor or shutdown internet providers. Nakba, per various sources, refers to the tragedy and catastrophe that has unfolded time and again in Palestine ever since its take-over by […]

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Mysterious Turkiye-Syria Earthquakes: Inquiry Needed


According to, the origins of the catastrophic earthquakes that struck in Turkiye and Syria on February 6, 2023 may have links to hydrofracking activity. This is important to investigate, whether or not oil-and-gas development is linked to the earth rupturing events. The latest reports from the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC/CESM) indicate that every day there are earthquakes happening […]

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Global Movement for Peace for Ukraine

can the phoenix match the dove

Darkening Skies presage Doomsday At the United Nations last month Mexico’s delegation conveyed the hope of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to convene a special emergency caucus in order to provide a pathway for peace dialogue. Perhaps a new Minsk Accords that would include an immediate ceasefire and negotiations for resettlement for the people of Ukraine. However since the Nordstream […]

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Indigenous and environmental activists watchful amid DC standoff

The People sitting in support @BIA Oct 14, 2021

Washington—-Indigenous and environmental activists gathered in groups for the People vs. Fossil Fuels for a week of marches, rallies, and demonstrations in Washington, D.C. The week of October 11th kicked off with a celebration in front of the White House on the renaming of Columbus Day as Indigenous People’s Day. There were scores of protesters at the White House and […]

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Biden policy still ‘America First’ overseas

Government vs Taliban Afghanistan, Map,

Doomsday cultists claim that the four apocalypse horses have arrived in the form of climate change, never-ending war, resources shortages, and totalitarianism. However for every problem, there is a solution, but the choices which the globalists are making are not benefitting the people. All one has to look at are the rise in homelessness, unrest, unemployment, and a dysfunctional leadership […]

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BDS: Stop the bloodshed, End the Occupations, How banks are Complicit

The past weeks have seen a 3rd great intifada, which Al-Jazeera will call, the Great War of Israel-Palestine 2021. Although as of May 21, 2021, a ceasefire is in effect after a week of deliberations at the United Nations, during which the United States rejected calls for such several times, the war is not over. In fact, a huge arms […]

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Farmers Long Strike Against Modi

Oxen are healthier for the ecosystem

Indian farmers have set a record strike since November 26, 2020. These have made the headlines in India newspapers but are scarcely given any attention in Western media. According to People’s World, farmers, joined with tradespeople from all over India, are striking, and the numbers are daunting. Over 250 million workers, joined by students, supported by farmers wives who prepare […]

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China’s Symbol of Unity: High Speed Rail 2020

Shenyang to Beijing Bullet Train

China has spent more than $1 Trillion in its high-speed rail (HSR) and transportation infrastructure since the 2000s. While some of the seed money came from the World Bank, vast sums are borrowed and the in-house design-build since 2008 has occurred at an increasingly frenetic pace. Railways Explained even jokes whether or not China (PRC) has lost its mind. Actually […]

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