D.C. Circulator #FairShot: Zero-emissions and no-cost rides

What gives?

(Washington, DC) – Since February the D.C. Circulator has been free for all riders. Partially as a response to the government shutdown, the Mayor extended the free ridership throughout the month of March. The Circulator began as a private-public bus system to fill the gap in buses traveling to popular destinations. Over the years, the shuttle bus evolved into a […]

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Female thought leaders and martyrs defend the Earth


Globally women have made strides over the past century. More women are now leaders around the world than ever before, and yet often women are still marginalized. For instance, in grassroots organizations and alternative news media, women still do the brunt of the work often with significantly less recognition and reward. In the United States, a record 128 women are […]

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Iran: 40 years since the shah, human ecology practical plan

Irrigations systems, Iran

Limited cultural freedom, western sanctions In February, Iran is celebrating its 40th anniversary since independence. For Iran, independence has been a mixed success. Between 1953 and 1978, it was effectively ruled by a sovereign monarch. The state is presently dominated by clerics beginning with Ruhollah Khomeini, a radical Muslim cleric, in 1979. While the clerics supported an Islamic Revolution, its […]

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Shutdown part of growing assault on government solvency by conservatives

Safety compromised when DOT stays home

The 116th Congress convened in January 3, 2019, but so far there is little indication that the government shutdown is over. If anything, spending bills are continuing to be approved piecemeal. With funding for a few months at a time, negotiations are critical. On December 22, 2018, the U.S. government shutdown officially began due to failure in passage of a […]

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A Better World: The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil

Community Gardens Cuba

What if the world oil supply were suddenly drastically reduced? What if due to unforseen circumstances such as foreign attack, Arab oil fields such as Ghawar Field were shut down? For Cuba, this was the impact when they were cut off from oil shipments in the 1990s. In the Soviet Union, due to Perestroika, former state companies became worthless and […]

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410 ppm carbon means global warming inescapable

June 2018 CO2 concentration in atmosphere

In Eaarth, Bill McKibbon depicts a changed planet. He describes dramatic changes taking place due to global warming. Even if a clear link to greenhouse gases is not 100% proven, the author stresses the need to recognize that our planet has changed: The planet on which our civilization evolved no longer exists. The stability that produced that civilization has vanished; […]

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Part 4: Fukushima poisonous radioisotopes, tons of waste

Could Nuclear Ever Be Less Evil ??

Nuclear power plants require tons of energy, emit tons of pollutants All nuclear power plants are dangerous, so maintain grassroots organizations and activists such as the late Michael Mariotte of Nuclear Information & Resource Service (NIRS) in a Pacifica radio interview with Dr. Michio Kako about the Fukushima nuclear disaster. And at Fukushima, the levels of radiation are unprecedented…The cleanup […]

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Part 3: Fukushima radiation water impossible to contain, like bad news

Fukushima response team on Facebook

The amount of information on Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster is something the mainstream media makes hard to focus. Censorship on Fukushima Daiichi began shortly after the tsunami event on March 11, 2011 (3-11). Then President Obama encouraged media downplay, similar to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, forcing people to not pay attention and take little precautions. As alternative media reports, […]

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2018 Environmental Film Festival in Washington Metro far from oblivion

The Last Animals (Opening night event)

This year’s environmental film festival in the nation’s capital comes with a sense of trepidation. Ever since the word “climate change” has been expunged from the Environmental Protection Agency website, the fate of climate science hangs in the air. In fact, at area public libraries, the books about climate change and global warming have shifted location to under social science. […]

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Rural environmentalists protest abuses at FERC Rally

Protesters say FERC environmental reviews ignores health impacts

Washington, D.C. — On September 20, a monthly crowd of protesters gathered in front of the Federal Energy Reserve Commission (FERC) building. The last time groups like the Stop the Pipeline met it was before the FERC had instituted a No-Quorum Period between February 9, 2017 through August 9, 2017. During this period, much of FERC’s orders and settlements were […]

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Trump EOs spur environmental and labor deregulation at public cost


President Trump rode into office promising a new-era of deregulation and tax-cuts for big businesses. He has made good on these promises in the form of Executive Orders and Memorandums, approximately 50 of them so far. In collaboration with the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Republican controlled Congress has also taken full advantage of the Congressional Review Act to […]

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Syria: Globalists Cold, Wet Dream (Part 2)

Part 2 continues with a focus question: Can Syria be the dawning of the truth that climate refugees will be regarded without mercy, as merely disposables, predators, or useless-eaters?  Weapons industries profits soar The desire to conduct regime change in Syria is bolstering weapons and defense industry spending and has contributed to record profits and trading in 2014.[1] According to […]

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