Hurricane Helene victims stranded and left to die

Flooding from Hurricane Helene undermines roadways

Alt Media Coverage on Hurricane Vice-Presidential Debate Higher Priority than Hurricane Helene The establishment media coverage of the Hurricane Helene landfall is atrocious. They have not only been undercovering the devastation, but using it as just another weapon in their political lynching of the GOP campaigns, in particular the President Donald J. Trump candidacy. The news stations have been prevented […]

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RFK Jr Independent Platform Needed for Youth Vote

Robert F Kennedy Jr 2024 Presidential candidate declares Independence

Dark Times Ahead Yesterday while watching Jonathan’s ChoeShow footage of skirmishes between the Israeli defenders vs Palestinian activists in Kirkland, WA, there was a watershed moment at the end of one of the videos. This reporter could almost swear she saw one of her nephews at the event, standing on the third “observer” corner designated by police. It brought tears […]

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Too many fires, why oh why?

Fire_as in wildfires, sudden fires

According to the news, the first sign of the tragedy that unfolded in Lahaina, Maui in Hawaii two weeks ago, on August 8, 2023, was an early morning brush fire in uninhabited lands off the coastal highway roughly northeast of town. The fire crew had put the fire out according to various reports by about 10am in the morning, and […]

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China vs Africa Peace Deal: Magic Mushroom?

Endless food supply_tiangong

The China Peace Initiative launched in February 2023 is the People’s Republic of China desire to play a constructive role in resolving the Ukraine-Russia War. As discussed in brief in official China news, the 12-point proposal includes[1]: The ceasing of civilian disruptions to business and trade, and having secure logistics and transportation routes makes imminent sense; however, those engaged in […]

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World Day of Humanity: #NotAlone Event

Declaration of Human Fraternity prepared by Nobel Peace laureates

On a sunny Spring day in Rome, the World Day of Humanity global ceremony began officially in mid afternoon, June 10, 2023 in Vatican City at Saint Peter’s Square. The signing of the Declaration of Human Fraternity 2023 as prepared by more than 30 Nobel Peace Prize laureates took place at 6pm. Today it was signed by Nobel Peace Prize […]

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Consequences are simple

What you harbor is what it can become

“All thoughts that have huge consequences are always simple. My idea is that since vicious people unite with one another and become strong, then honest people must but do the same. It’s that simple.” Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace Easter always brings on unique challenges just like Christmas. At Christmas, the challenge generally is on the competition between consumerism vs […]

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Will public water infrastructure delays ruin the Golden State?

Light sandy loam, no rain

Water wells are going dry in California, especially in small towns in the Central Valley. In one documentary residents of Porterville reported their wells running dry in 2015.  Another media byte exposes emptying water wells in Cambria. For the sake of tourism and upkeep of high property values along the coast, the water shortages are often downplayed. In fact, all […]

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Expert Asserts California Needs More Reservoirs, Here’s Why

Fresno County, Friant-Kern Canal

On June 4, 2022, in an interview with California Insider, Brett Barbre, a former Yorba Linda Water Board Member, summed up why California needs more water reservoirs soon: “We’ve not built the necessary storage to keep up with population growth.“ In an exclusive interview with California Insider’s host Siyamak Khorrami, Brett Barbre, a fourth-generation Los Angelesan, asserts California’s drought is […]

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Real People-Owned Democracy Works, China’s Forum

Columbus Circle Washington DC

Over the past months, the West has launched a new war in Ukraine via its NATO proxies. Recently an aid package amounting to 40 billion dollars and a new Lend-Lease Act passed through the House of Representatives in Washington. A huge increase in the sale of armaments, all kinds of weapons, vehicle systems, training, expertise, and hiring of mercenaries is […]

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Indigenous and environmental activists watchful amid DC standoff

The People sitting in support @BIA Oct 14, 2021

Washington—-Indigenous and environmental activists gathered in groups for the People vs. Fossil Fuels for a week of marches, rallies, and demonstrations in Washington, D.C. The week of October 11th kicked off with a celebration in front of the White House on the renaming of Columbus Day as Indigenous People’s Day. There were scores of protesters at the White House and […]

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Build Back Better takes keen look at ICE-free transportation by 2050

EVgo Fast DC charging with CCS and CHAdeMO connectors

The transportation portion of the Build Back Better (BBB) (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passed by 117th Congress) takes a keen look at alternative fueling methods. It’s in effect a road map of supporting largely non-internal-combustion-engine (ICE) type vehicles by 2050, with critical targets set for 2030, and report reviews at five year intervals. H.R. 3684 is much bolder than […]

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Snakes in the Garden – Op-ed

Be happy!

Or how even the best of intentions can fail…[Crosspost from yourhomelessblog]   Every day now is a struggle for many Americans who must cope with the prevalent surreality — if they are awake! How many of us are not awake, because we are forced into a mold that disallows us the privilege of thinking for ourselves much less with expression? […]

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