How Biden Ukraine foreign policy threatens world stability
According to experts and media pundits, the Ukraine war is becoming a dangerous debacle because the Biden administration refuses to negotiate openly and honestly with Russia. Since the Russian invasion on February 26, 2022, a pre-emptive action which President Putin labels as “special military operations” to take back NATO-militarized borderlands, the U.S., NATO, and world allies have implemented aggressive multilateral and unilateral sanctions against Russia. They are basically furnishing Ukraine’s President Zelensky an unlimited checkbook in financial, military, economic, and diplomatic aid. And in the United States, a “cancel-culture” is in effect, or at least a lot of Ukrainian flag-waving, to warn off Russia supporters and cheer the good fight.
De-Industrialization of the West
What this has done, and will continue to do, commentators such as Scott Ritter, and Amit Sengupta suggest, is put at risk the economic foundations of Europe; for instance, all its manufacturing, resulting in serious ramifications for the United States by next year. The refusal to accept oil shipments is tantamout to “economic suicide” suggests Peak Prosperity in its broadcasts. David Icke, author of numerous books and former sportscaster, suggests that the prolonged war is leading to the “de-industrialization of Europe”: a dark winter is approaching, one in which many people will take to the streets, especially those who recently arrived in Europe with only the clothes on their backs.
In “Is Europe Committing Economic Suicide?” Chris Martenson, Ph.D. warns that the decision by Europe to ban Russian oil by the end of 2022 is a poor one, particularly because national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a measure of productivity, is shown to be directly correlated with oil consumption. All of the top-tier nations owe their wealth to fossil fuels-connected supply and consumption, and banknotes are heavily leveraged on the energy foundation for anything from transportation to manufacturing, construction, and agriculture. Furthermore, Martenson, who produced the “Crash Course” in 2008, claims the markets and science of refining oil are much too complex for a simple switching off from Russian gas to U.S. shale. Europe has relied on Russia for gasoline for decades and the supply and distribution lines are well-established, not to mention business relationships.
Europe’s political decision to cut itself off from Russian oil will be a severe blow at a moment of extreme economic and monetary fragility…I am so sorry people of Europe, you’ve got some severe disruptions coming your way.
The fact is no country in the world is ready to rely on alternative energies because the financial and technical apparatus is too untenable, particular for transportation and manufacturing. In fact, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory depicts the 2020 U.S. Energy Flow Diagram on the use of electrical energy for transportation as practically nonexistent. The transitioning in time, scale, and costs, for example, transitioning from horse-and-buggy to automobiles, takes several decades, where in the immediate interim, this abrupt Russian gas shutoff will bring great business ruin.
In Amit Sengupta‘s “Geopolitics of Russia Nord Stream gas pipelines” presentation, it is pointed out that a dark winter is approaching due to the failure to negotiate and that there will be chronic shortages from a self-imposed energy crisis in Europe as pointed out in his tutorial:
If lights go off for Europe during winter, then the down side of that will be industrial cutbacks and shutdowns, which will result in unemployment, high inflation, and possibly a global recession. And believe me, the situation in Europe will be very similar to a country that has been sanctioned.
Ushering in lockstep Globalist Technocracy
Unfortunately a new recession is already underway in Europe that will ricochet globally as all the international markets are interconnected, never mind waiting for winter.
In “Energy prices in Germany soar” report at Natural News on September 18, 2022, a 1,000% hike in energy prices is driving manufacturers to bankruptcy. The ten-fold increase in gas and electricity prices (in Germany, electricity is also derived from natural gas turbines) has forced national companies to declare the lack of competitiveness. So far the list includes: Hakle, a toilet-paper maker; Gortz, a shoe-retailer; Dr. Schneider, an automobile supplier; Arcelor Mittal, a steel producer; and many local bakeries, a staple in German culture. At WattsUpWithThat, writer P. Gosselin translates this from Blackout News (Deutchland):
The wave of insolvencies has just begun, and is ‘picking up speed’…What we are seeing now is just the tip of an iceberg. Increased energy prices are affecting all industries, whether directly, as in the case of steel mills and bakeries, or indirectly, as in the case of shoe retailer Gortz. If politicians do not take countermeasures here, Germany will fall into a severe and long-lasting recession, with mass unemployment and a massive loss of prosperity.
In fact, Twitterers recently shared the disclosure from a German Bundestag member that something “major” will happen this month around September 24, 2022. Whether this will be a false-flag event for ushering in a global reset to digital currency (such as from the Petro-Dollar to BitCoin) as they are trying to do in India, no one knows. Event or reset, it is worrisome. Should the desired currency reset happen, many will lose their savings through financier embezzlement, while people’s other assets will be stolen or rendered unusable.
In any event the public is being advised by well-meant vloggers to prepare, even though “survivalism” only tends to propagate hoarding and selfishness; it minimizes critical human rights questions and political solutions from the perspective of the ground up. The mainstream media already routinely censors or dilutes important news, where instead, urgent diplomacy is swiftly needed and serious questions redressed for the nation’s tax-payers about the eighty-some billion dollars being racked up by Ukraine.
What do the globalists want from this war? What are their goals besides endless vindication against Russia (and China) for caring for their country people’s interests?
In every recent war, there appears to be the silver-lining from disaster-capitalism, even if it passes largely unnoticed by the establishment or is seriously downplayed to the public.
After six months, the balkanization of Ukraine has taken hold. Many wartime refugees are afraid to return to a country where husbands and sons must serve. British volunteers have described death marches and former Kraken-convicts even turning their guns against the civilian population in order to rob or murder them. Early in the war, Alex Mercouris, a seasoned journalist at The Duran offered daily reports, described how the Azov battalion would deliberately take hostages and use civilians as human shields.
(Some Ukrainians have even posted videos of Azovs eating chopped up human body parts, for such as happens when the frenzied demonic killing-orgy takes hold.)
But Ukraine’s vast farmlands and fertile soils near plentifully flowing rivers offer valuable natural resources tempting foreign billionaires to exploit. Multinational energy companies are interested in leveraging future mineral rights against America’s rising debts. This was the case as early as 2014, after the Maidan Revolution, according to Natural Society:
In fact, a bit of political manuevering by the IMF gave the Ukraine a $17 billion loan — but only if they would open up to biotech farming and the selling of Monsanto’s poison crops and chemicals — destroying a farmland that is one of the most pristine in all of Europe. Farm equipment dealer, Deere, along with producers Dupont and Monsanto, will have a heydey.
According to various investigative journalists, war has also turned Ukraine into an open-killing field: where biolaboratories release deadly germ-laden insects and pollution; where the nuclear power plants (there are 15 nuclear reactors) are exposed to ruthless attacks; where many of the munitions provided by the West are unaccounted for, meaning they can be resold on the blackmarket or purchased by terrorists. For sure there are plenty of documentary clips showing armaments being abandoned during fighting, evidence of not only of waste in expenditure, but also providing enemies with free armor and other supplies.
Neoliberalization of Agricultural Lands
In a land devalued of people, just like in the West Bank, Syria, Iraq, or early America, it is easy to hide the exploitation and extraction underway. Essentially the agricultural reforms and takeover in Ukraine is seen as a profitable private business venture by the banking cabal, no matter the loss of lives, dislocation of farmers, and necessary provision of aid packages.
According to the Oakland Institute, “the manoeuvering for control over the country’s [Ukraine] agricultural system is a pivotal factor in the struggle that has been taking place over the last year in the greatest East-West confrontation since the Cold War.” In “Political Economy of the Russia Ukraine Conflict” Shrinivas Dharmadhikari describes how the West has lusted for Ukraine’s rich farm lands going back to the Cold War era, and that complex planning was involved to destabilize the nation and conduct regime change going back several decades.
The financiers and transnational corporations (TNCs) appreciate not only the rich fertile black soil (called ‘Chernozem’ which has a high organic content) but the range of crops that could be grown, estimated at 64 million tons of grain and seed per annum. Furthermore, access to the Black Sea would secure shipping to world markets and giant importers of grain in the Middle East and North Africa. All that is needed are the right technical instruments and key enablers in the Ministry of Finance.
In recent years, a record 1.6 million hectares (nearly 4 million acres) have been re-assigned. That is 6,250 square miles (or 79-miles squared); yet globalization is pushing for more neoliberalization of the associated farm trade supply and support sectors in a way which is guarantees tax-free takeover of shops and businesses:
Globalisation ensure[s] a supportive trade and investment regime so that more transnational corporations (TNCs) could set up shops, take over ongoing businesses and integrate them vertically into their global empire. Then the TNCs could externalise part of their income without paying taxes through a transfer pricing mechanism. The team crafted reforms to manoeuvre complete control over the country’s agricultural system, to facilitate the acquisition of agricultural land by creating land markets, cutting food and plant regulations and management, and reducing corporate taxes and customs duties.
When TNCs or operators work the land, they don’t care for or love the land like generations of the original farming family. With no living legacy, the land is no longer a treasure to be handed down the next generation. In The Octopus: A Story of California, muckraker Frank Norris wrote about the early railroad and banking despots. Today’s financial despotism is often cloaked under respectability; for instance in Toxic: Napoli (at Top Documentary Films) professional waste-management is controlled by the Italian mob. Investigators uncovered illegal dumps in the countryside, vineyards, olive tree plantations and causing a sickened populace.
In the United States, Selman farmer and historian Victor David Hansen is worried about gun-toting migrants squatting on his farm; there are also concerns over illegal marijuana grows. Thanks to corruption, governments around the world are even eagerly approving biosludge made with “flesh goo” from liquifying corpses (aka ‘water cremation’) for use as organic fertilizer. The point is that transnational corporate contractors are much less concerned about contaminants or watering crops with fracking or ‘flesh goo’ wastewater since their bottom line is only to increase what is likely already a thin profit-margin. This will particularly be the case in a countryside bereft of traditional Ukrainian family-owned farms instead filled only with compliant calloused operators.
Faux Green Deal
Already an estimated 800,000 small farmers have sold or been forced to sell their farmland so that corporations can bundle together monocropping parcels (such as in the United States). Never mind that in the process, Big-Ag is replicating exactly what has exhausted the richness of natural farmlands, since using pesticides, herbicides, and industrial fertilizer tend to rob the soil of its natural fertility or native ecosystem biome, which is exactly the opposite of the truly low-impact organic self-sufficiency and resiliency envisioned by Plan C farming movement (now renamed Plan Curtail).
Faux Green New Dealism was predicted by many climate skeptics, nevertheless, there is validity to the claim that the TNCs have a habit of appropriating terms such as “resilient” “Plan C” “sustainable” “Green” “organic” and re-inserting those terms into legalistic monetization contracts written to convince IMF loan providers of the authenticity of their “green credentials.” Thus, huge numbers of displaced farmers and homemakers, laborers and their children, are now become internal refugees, having been being ejected out of the rural lands and injected into the city-living scene. Of course the United Nations rosily depicts this as citizens awakening to “living more sustainably” “wasting less carbon” and even “experiencing the sophistication and virtues” of gentrified urban living.
To help spur the conversion of farmland into a pliable investment trade but only for those willing to farm as landless serfs, the usual shortlist of international social service and aid agencies will be receiving grants to help provide relocated Ukrainians language classes, technical training, re-education (or politicization), in the hopes that they will eagerly recycle into the urban job sectors as hourly workers. However, today African migrants are complaining that the Ukrainian refugees are receiving too much preferential treatment.
Unbeknownst to readers in the West, the very same TNCs or other multinationals are plundering valuable lands in the Congo, around Chad, and anywhere there is water, farmable land, oil, minerals, or anything else of natural value to be extracted as cheaply as possible. Thus, refugees have arrived from Africa often as the last act of desperation. No one in the alt-media is even mentioning that a lot of fossil fuels can be extracted and conveyed from Nigeria to Europe. This is because according to Channels TV, Nigerian-owned oil companies are often obstructed or denied easy access to World Bank development contracts for refineries or oil conveyance pipeline development. In other words, both African governments and her peoples are still regarded with derision, much as under colonialism, although with the superficiality of improved social-status, say, in sports or the entertainment arena.
World’s Poor Pay More
The evidence that the poor nations and peoples will suffer greatly under the waves of global recession predicted by Peak Prosperity is seen in miniature already in Sri Lanka; yet under capitalism, nothing can be given away for free; it is India who has extended the most help to Sri Lanka. A very rough winter and 2023 will result in new waves of famine and starvation unless humankind begins to awaken to the need for good spiritual values such as self-control, drug-free living, charity, morality, celibacy, and unity.
Inter Press Service, in “Millions Go Hungry– While Billions Worth of Food Go into Landfills,” reports that at a time when real food and fuel shortages are scarcely evident, corporations are purposely hiking up prices and engaging in speculation. According to the World Food Programme (WFP) the third-world is at the brink of a disaster with the numbers of those experiencing acute food insecurity tripling from 135 million to 345 million since 2019.
Skyrocketing food prices seen this year are rather due to speculation and profiteering than the war in Ukraine. It is outrageous that WFP has been forced to expand its food relief operations around the world due to speculation, while also having to raise more funds as the costs of providing food relief has increased everywhere. —Oakland Institute
Meanwhile in the U.S. a staggering $161 billion worth of food is dumped yearly into landfills. So while the elites profit from war in Ukraine (with no end in sight), Big Pharma profits handsomely from Covid-vaccines; and grain merchants, such as Louis Dreyfus and Bunge LTD, or Cargill experience record profits, must the world’s poor be consigned to the dust bins of time because the World Food Programme lacks funds or cannot handle the logistics?
Worldwide food redistribution, coordination, and shipping can be easily mapped with today’s sophisticated global satellite tracking systems and transportation planning softwares, yet even the World Food Programme is being shorn of authority. To be sure, criminal networks and military juntas often hoard grain and cereal shipments meant for the poor.
Elite banking on nuclear holocaust and meltdown
As the evidence mounts, the investment and globalist cabal are prepared for any economic downturn because with off-shore tax-havens, bomb-shelter renovations, extensive security drills and preparations, they know they can weather any kind nuclear holocaust or global meltdown. In fact, today the world as we know it, from Wall Street to the daily media spin, is now arguably very much in control by global investment financial services corporation Blackrock, which owns the advanced powerful AI supercomputer, Aladdin. Using globally collected data from the public, updated 24/7, this supercomputer can not only predict various meltdown scenarios but void, self-correct, or adjust algorithms to suit its handlers. No matter what, the elite capitalists can cleverly continue to reap immense profit.
If that is the case, then perhaps the entire Ukrainian war is merely a programmatic exercise undertaken to ensure that the rich will continue to become richer, while the poor become poorer. Incidentally any top politician can see that the poor are plentiful if s/he/it decides to take a real walk (without sycophantic officials, security detail, or “clean sweep by the police”) into any metropolitan public library in the United States. Here is depicted the true plight of America, where the poor sleep by day at the libraries in order to save their energy (just like Jurgis in The Jungle, a novel by Upton Sinclair about the meat-packing industry) so that he/she/it can explore the trash bins at night for food and other necessities.
Photo and article by Asian Green News (AGN)