Gangland USA
As an ABC who grew up in Fresno, CA., we lived under the myth that our city was just a sleepy farm-town. The worst crime might be a car-theft (that usually was returned after a fun night out). MS-13 (or F-13) was a gang that the Fresno County Sheriffs had a stranglehold on, and anyway, they didn’t do hard drugs.
My cousins and their families moved to Fresno after they immigrated to the United States from Canton. They chose Fresno after my aunts were concerned about the crime levels in San Francisco and Los Angeles.
“He will succomb to gang pressure. We must get him out of that,” she said to my mom.
It seemed hard to believe—gangs, Asian gangs. But recently this writer has to rethink all that, and with some frustration and chagrin.
I am not saying that everything we see on China Global Television Network (CGTN) is a bunch of baloney. We hear people commonly remark, “Oh, that’s just a bunch of propaganda.” No, it isn’t. CGTN and other quality news stations are opening the eyes of the world to a rapidly developing, increasingly connected China from adventures in outer space to sharing of its technology in the form of rail transportation and highways all around the world. They are helping to rebuild Africa in the image it wants to see for itself.
And yet China (The People’s Republic), the “socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics,” faces inordinate challenges that Western nations don’t even hardly have an inkling about. We think, “Oh, those Chinese, they are just imitators of the West,” when they make new discoveries from their space station. Or we think, “Why are they so perfect?” when in fact, their parents push them to make the grade, or else. Thanks to my own ambition, I never had to suffer the or-else part too much. But as a second-daughter, even the school system had a tendency to misplace my opportunities, without my realizing it. Instead of the best 6th grade teacher, for instance, I must have had one of the flakiest. Even a decade before it happened, my teacher predicted Governor Ronald Reagan would become U.S. president, and world wars would erupt, and it was like the Rapture was coming for us very soon, so we had to awaken before it was too late!
She was actually a great teacher, a very authentic type compared to today, but anyway, I expected her to teach science, and she barely ever touched the math. Instead, we sang all morning long, just like robins. So this tussle began and in the process, she did give me a poor cooperation grade, which did result in punishment at home. My parents took the grade reports very seriously, and it was taken for granted that with Asian parents, if a child got caught breaking the law, he or she would be publicly shamed by their very own parents!
There was zero—absolutely zero—chance of the parent blaming the school, the teacher, the system, or even the bully for any kind of wrong-doing. Others even took advantage of the shaming to harass the student even more sometimes, which was particularly bad if the student was actually innocent.
So we take it for granted that the people who like to whine the loudest and the longest have got something wrong with them, because that is time that can be well-spent redirecting oneself to try harder, to work harder.
And yet in the play-to-pay systems in place today, is that necessarily true?
Students who work two-jobs to push themselves out of California State Universities should feel proud of themselves when they finally graduate with their degrees, and especially if they are debt-free. Yet, according to the legions of academic hucksters, those graduates don’t deserve notice anymore because they graduated from ‘second-tier colleges.’ If they land on the East coast, with its trenchant systems of favoritism and nepotism, they will be duly shunned by all races nowadays (because blacks have always been great imitators of whites, as even a glance at BLM private investments might reveal).
But do Asians know about discrimination by other Asians?
It’s a taboo subject, so naturally we are here to address it.
Yes, it’s true. Of course I am living on the East coast now, not the West where I grew up. But among the Chinese here, I commonly hear people refer to me as “Dai-zi” which translates to “Idiot” in Chinese, and the more such especially when they don’t think I understand what they are talking about! Of course the type of people who resort to name-calling are typically deeply insecure, but that doesn’t take away the hurt. These types grew up being called names, calling names, poking fun, and creating caricatures, as they often do in Hong Kong.
How much this kind of targeting is intentional—perhaps purposeful mobbing—to prevent inclusion, to identify as an outsider, to discourage socializing with or among, is unknown. However it is the flip-side of Asian-culture, and something that many New York Chinatown youngsters are probably exposed to. A sort-of priming for predictive gangland programming or identifying as potential gangland scout.
We became aware of the problem and challenges after exploring South Africa’s membership in BRICS, and how might President Cyril Ramaphosa be taken seriously by anyone, despite a wonderful African Peace Delegation to Russia and to Ukraine, when his country of South Africa is in such shambles.
After apartheid, the African National Congress made extra sure they would stay in power indefinitely by instituting a ‘cadre-deployment’ system. In the U.S. that would translate to political appointments and preferments for all kinds of bureaucratic administrative positions. However the ANC took it one-step further, sort of like the early Chinese Communist Party, with appointments in academia, technical positions, in engineering, law, medicine, etc, that the cadres did not qualify for whatsoever. So one day, Mr. Water Treatment Plant operator was a pre-President Mandela engineering technician who passed qualifying exams and was thoroughly trained for his position. Then the next year, all of the water treatment plant personnel are scheduled for retirement and replacement because the cadres will take over its operations. A similar analogy for Public Works, Roads, Bridges, Garbage Collection, you name it.
This is what is shown at official South African news channels, such as SABC News. They are pretty much helping expose concerns with investigations such as “The ANC is desperate to hide information on cadre deployment: DA,” or in “Discussion: Pupils impacted by lack of water and sanitation.” The deterioriating public infrastructure affects everyone, white or black or coloreds. The rolling blackouts are given a fancy name such as “load-shedding” yet the implications are stark. Blackouts and outages can lead to plant failures, whether in industrial and manufacturing, water treatment, sewage treatment, hospitals, and critical power facilities such as nuclear power plants, as reported in “SA’s power outages could reach critical levels this winter.” One must hand it to the integrity of the news media in South Africa that they are at least trying to report on endemic riots (particularly in the townships), and the lastest scandal being the “construction mafia.”
The ANC may face stiff competition in coming years from the Democratic Alliance, which hails from Capetown and boasts promotion of human rights for everyone. Their newsroom investigations are even more harrowing and revealing, such as in “Cadre Deployment the Story of State Capture.” They would amass a popular vote based on fighting corruption because they understand: this is not about race, it is about integrity. Having a qualified workforce matters, and underperforming administrators need to be cycled out of the system. You can’t have endless workbreaks, technicians sleeping on the job, and ignoring routine maintenance needs.
This line between high standards versus quotas is very much in debate thanks to the demand for equity and race-representation in all nations where there is an ascending minority population now, especially since this becomes a source of empowerment by African migrants and African-Americans. Even in China, if the Africans from say, Ghana or Nigeria are caught in drug-smuggling, they might try to use the excuse that they are being discriminated against. And yet for years, any African would scarcely dare to try to smuggle dope in Arab-speaking nations such as Turkey, Arabia, Iraq, or Iran, because after your hand is cut off, no amount of money can bring that hand back!
But that was just one concern brought to fore by this YouTube vlogger, SerpentZA aka Winston Sterzel, formerly from South Africa, but now a long-time ex-pat in China. His story about life-post-Apartheid in South Africa paints a portrait that is tragedaic for many former white South African farmers, where they live in literal fear day and night of a raid by gangsters, empowered by recent South African legislation legalizing expropriation without compensation. The long and short of it is that white farmers face hounding by gangsters and lack of support by the government on anything from ensuring adequate water supply to offering subsidies, to criminal investigations when there are rapes, kidnappings, and murders. His stories are backed up by many others about the farm murders, and a white-farmer genocide taking place in South Africa.
Does it make one angry over the reverse-racism and injustice? Yes, but it should not necessarily be regarded as endemic among the race, rather, as endemic due to a lack of principles and morals, possibly stemming from anger, insecurity, poverty, and depravity stemming from the generations of systemic racism. The people are acting out their fantasies, just as in the Communist China farming purges of the 1950s, and the cultural purges of the 1960s. Maybe this acting out will end, but it will take an audacious effort by the government to curb it.
In fact thanks to his buddy, Matthew Tye, a fellow vlogger who travels with him inside China on their motorcycle tour of China, ADVChina aka The China Show, they purportedly expose the seamy underbelly of the Chinese Dragon. These very popular channels include, for instance, a vlog called, “Our Terrifying Chinese Mafia Experience,” about when they travelled to north China and ran across some gangsters in Harbin.
“Is this for real?” I thought, after all, if one pays attention to CGTN, the PRC had won kudos from the United Nations Secretary General for elimination of poverty in China—no poverty exists anymore in China, according to the CGTN mouthpiece or as described by President Xi himself!
So why would there be any gangs at all?
The fact is that where the Westerners are typically travelling, for their tour destinations, there will be little poverty to be seen. However poverty has always existed: it’s how the rich stay rich, after all. And particularly in capitalist societies, the stockmarket owners must turn a profit out of thin-air if they can. It’s not enough to stay rich: one must undercut the competition by turning a profit upon the profit made! Hence this kind of ruthlessness virtually guarantees that gangsterisms of all kinds, whether by white collar elites selling their brand of sanitized illegal goods and paraphenalia and sexworkers, versus the lower-class brands catering to the masses and popular subcultural tastes, where everything is becoming parsed under a jaundiced lens.
The danger that China/PRC and/or Taiwan faces now is the acute continuation of profit-growing and an overheated economy amid slowing recessionary global forces that are pushing people (at least in the U.S., Hong Kong, London, and other expensive states) literally out of their homes and onto the streets.
While all the corporations are situated comfortably in China right now, what will it be like when or if the bottom falls out from the petro-dollar as the world currency staple?
The picture of China from the late 19th to early 20th century was one of very unsavory relationships whoever was the ruler of China. At Confucius School, we were taught that Dr. Sun-Yat-Sen was a good man, untouchable according to the Nationalist historians, and so was his premier, Chou-En-Lai. Yet if we were to re-examine the past according to Forgotten Streets, “The Green Gang,” the past history of the Nationalists were riddled by associations and financial dependency upon the Chinese mafia bosses. This is verified by other sources, such as at Real Documentaries, or Chinatown Gang Stories.
Just like in the United States, how it’s fight for freedom and corporatization has led to the rise of criminalist elements among the elite, whether the freemasonry cult, or certain political bosses in control of the Democratic Party, such that either they can never be held accountable for their crimes, can avoid paying income tax, can continue to win favorable extremely profitable business contracts, and so on, this seamy globalist underbelly is hoping to marry into the upper echelons of the Communist Party of China, figuratively if not literally. For as one can see with both SerpentZA and Matthew Tye, it offers them a protective shield, marrying into a Chinese clan.
This is why the CCP loves to send their sons and daughters to the Ivy League universities—it is the potential breeding ground for the next generation of the ruling class. Nevermind whether they are Reptilians or not, if they are associated with other criminalist terrorist groups (such as Mossad), or if they are sacrificing their morals or principles marrying a handsome young Hollywood Hip-Hop drag artist. All that matters is continuing to expand their business ventures and profit-margins, whether under a Trump or under a Biden.
Extortion, racketeering, justifying leverage for the sake of unseating powerful figures, or worse, indulging in jihadist bloodbaths and rationalizing it by whatever means, often ideological and even theoretical, is still wrong-doing. And yet it has existed everywhere, including in China since time immemorial. There will always be the losers or the corrupt powerful chieftains of society attracted to savagery, such as portrayed in this Chinese cinematic classic, “The Water Margin” produced by CCTV with Zhang Jizhong as producer. In that kind of topsy-turvy world, something like an alternate universe exists, where the bad are good, while the good are seen as stupid and unworthy—a ready phenomenon in any urban ghetto-ized setting, as a matter of fact.
And it’s why in such settings it is important to keep steadfast in cultivation and prayer, because only these kinds of practices can help one be discerning and prevail. It enables anyone to fight back against the normalization of crime syndicates and other addictions. To take a stand against the erection of Goliath as the Barbarian God of worship. As Master Li Hongzhi writes in the preface to Zhuan Falun Volume II:
A wicked person is born of jealousy.
Out of selfishness and anger he complains
about supposed “unfairness.”A good person always has compassion in
his heart. Free of discontentment and hatred,
he takes hardship as joy.An enlightened person has not attachment.
He quietly observes the people of the world
lost in illusion.Hongzhi Li
September 25, 1995