Ignore the Trolls, Forge Ahead (Week 2 News Review)

ignore the trolls

The Trump Administration is forging ahead with plans to create a more efficient government, and at such a rapid clip that the press can barely keep up. Here are some of the undercovered news which have occurred that the alternative news media is doing a better job at covering. From TruNews.com, “Political Shock as Trump Fulfills Campaign Promises,” yesterday President […]

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Millions brave cold for 2nd Trump Inauguration

People stood in long lines spanning 8 blocks hoping for a seat at the Trump Victory Rally

Washington, DC — Hundreds of thousands of people flocked to the nation’s capital in Washington, D.C. this weekend for celebratory events including the Victory Rally, Inauguration Rally, plus Inauguration Balls, and Special Parties this Martin Luther King, Jr. Day weekend. However security was exceptionally tight due to the repeated assassination attempts upon President-elect Donald Trump’s life during the past summer. […]

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How Will Trump Remedy Biden’s Legacy of War and Death in Ukraine

Cartoon from The Last American Vagabond

On November 18th, Sunday around 2pm, President Biden gave Ukraine dictator Zelensky permission to use long-range ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) missiles, which have a range of 300km. This would have been while the President was in Latin America, because there are photos of Biden meeting with President Xi Jinping in Lima, Peru during the APEC Summit, then staying on […]

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Latest on North Carolina Recovery Efforts

NCDOT provides detour information

Road Conditions Hazardous The roads around Asheville, particularly northwards from I-26 heading towards I-81 are still being assessed, cleared, and repaired. I-40 east and west of Asheville are also flagged for obstructions and repairs per the North Carolina Department of Transportation. Truckers may need to travel through Charlottesville to head westwards towards Atlanta then circle back upwards to reach Knoxville. […]

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Hurricane Helene victims stranded and left to die

Flooding from Hurricane Helene undermines roadways

Alt Media Coverage on Hurricane Vice-Presidential Debate Higher Priority than Hurricane Helene The establishment media coverage of the Hurricane Helene landfall is atrocious. They have not only been undercovering the devastation, but using it as just another weapon in their political lynching of the GOP campaigns, in particular the President Donald J. Trump candidacy. The news stations have been prevented […]

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Latest on Independent Candidates Stumping for Trump

image from blackamericans.donaldjtrump.com

Was the debate between Harris and Trump really fair? Republicans have launched criticism regarding the ABC News Presidential Debate held on September 10, 2024 evening in Philadephia, PA. Anyone watching or listening to the debate would notice that the ABC News ran a skewed debate skipping fact-checking for VP Kamala Harris’s flawed assertations. Other observations which AGN noticed is how […]

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Latest News on Dying Empire and Ten Principles

New global security architecture will emphasize peace and honor national sovereignty

Crimea developments The latest news from both the Ukraine-Russia warfront and the “War on Gaza” is not good, however, the West keeps reporting that Russia is losing, and America must support Israel in the war against Hamas. As for the new theater opening in China, the mainstream and even alt-media independent reporters spread false claims and even smears. For instance, […]

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Key Bridge Disaster Cripples Baltimore Harbor

"Bridgegate" StateoftheNation crosspost from Jeff Childers blog

Around 1:30am on Tuesday March 26, 2023, a cargo ship crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge (I-695) in Baltimore, MD, causing the bridge to collapse. A lot of questions are surfacing as to how this could have happened, and while some of the facts and questions are described, an in-depth investigation remains and may take years to conclude. However […]

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Too many fires, why oh why?

Fire_as in wildfires, sudden fires

According to the news, the first sign of the tragedy that unfolded in Lahaina, Maui in Hawaii two weeks ago, on August 8, 2023, was an early morning brush fire in uninhabited lands off the coastal highway roughly northeast of town. The fire crew had put the fire out according to various reports by about 10am in the morning, and […]

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Thorny issue of immigration (Op-ed)

Angels Unawares

There is absolutely no doubt that immigration is a thorny issue on the side of the West these days. Under liberalism, especially neoliberalism, no matter what the conditions of the state, we must serve as a receivership of migrants, both legal and illegal nowadays. This had been going on a long time. Recall the days in the 1990s when Asian […]

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Rage Against War rally 2023: Arbeit Macht Frei

Left and Right Unite at Rage Against War Rally, Feb 19th, Presidents' Day weekend

While the armies of Russia and China are goose-stepping towards World War, the West’s response has been equally entrenched in darkening the clouds. Nevertheless, the Rage Against the War Machine national protest was successfully held before the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. on Sunday of President’s Day weekend. On this cloudless blue-sky day with light winds and temperatures in the […]

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How Biden Ukraine foreign policy threatens world stability

Many Georgetown businesses support Ukraine

According to experts and media pundits, the Ukraine war is becoming a dangerous debacle because the Biden administration refuses to negotiate openly and honestly with Russia. Since the Russian invasion on February 26, 2022, a pre-emptive action which President Putin labels as “special military operations” to take back NATO-militarized borderlands, the U.S., NATO, and world allies have implemented aggressive multilateral […]

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