DC Grassroots Decry Planning Code Revision

Empower DC Priorities Lower 50% Needs Come First

According to Empower DC, a Washington, D.C. city-wide coalition of local grassroots citizen organizations, the proposed changes to the DC Comprehensive Plan underway is a developers’ brainchild. The revision will intensify redevelopment and gentrification not only in urban neighborhoods but existing residential neighborhoods, such as in Anacostia. They are doing so by demanding reclassification of zoning considerations, shortening or eliminating […]

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Finding Peace within After Death

Homeless moved here and there in DC

From Your Homeless Blogger, “Making Peace with God-Universe-Nature.” Too few news pundits talk about Death and its impacts on our lives from anything other than a bonehead statistical perspective. Newsmakers focus on numbers and demographics, but never on the deeper ramifications. In fact, too often when someone dies or is being mistreated, such as at Sehome facility in Bellingham, Washington, […]

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SEP2020 Civil War theme: Resolving the US political crisis

Biden Inauguration, National Mall preparations

The Socialist Equality Party 2020 ran two candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States. Joseph Kishore is the long-time Party Secretary and he lectures alongside David North, the esteemed founder of World Socialist Website and scholarly author, at political conferences. Norissa Santa Cruz is a scholar and author of many articles on socialist issues affecting women, immigrants, and […]

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Signs Your Habitat is Controlled by a Slumlord

Homeless in DC

Here is a crosspost from YourHomelessBlog.blogspot.com Recently I ran into a person I used to see at Miriam’s Kitchen, one of the poets of our group. There were several white males in our group that met every Wednesday morning (pre-Covid). One was a former professor, up in years, who due to taking care of his wife, had used up his […]

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Fighting Voter Suppression in Underrepresented Communities


Nonprofits are stepping up to ensure that all voters have access to the voting booth this election. Several organizations working hard to get the vote out including the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC), and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), but the COVID19 pandemic has transformed the landscape into a digital […]

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DC Homeless experience COVID-19 side effects

Union Station missing spring tourists

The homeless community in the Washington, D.C. metro region are abnormally adversely affected by all the side ramifications of COVID-19 from not being able to frequent their usual haunts to not being able to panhandle. Many of the most vulnerable suffer from mental illness and may not even be aware of the crisis. They may not understand the symptoms of […]

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Yang2020 fighting back and rising up

Screenshot The View (aired Jan 8, 2020)

While the Democratic Party regards Andrew Yang as an underdog in the run for presidential nomination, Yang2020 is fighting back for all it’s worth. The unusual part about it is that the fight is taking place online and in various social media. Yang, who just turned 45 in January, is the second youngest of the candidates; and he is the […]

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Resilient infrastructure solutions for climate change

Committee on Adaptation to a Changing Climate; edited by J. Rolf Olsen, Ph.D.

The IPCC has warned the public time and again that the world is heading towards a warming climate with rising oceans. Current projections are between 2-4 °C provided that positive feedback loops do not lead towards uncontrollable warming.  Russian scientists are exploring the phenomenon of methane clathrates, a scenario in which methane locked in frozen solids begins to melt or […]

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Why humans will not survive mass extinction

Tianti store calendar 2017

According to scientists from around the world, the next mass extinction is already underway. Unlike previous ones, this mass extinction will likely be unique in that it was enabled by the smartest creatures on the planet: Homo Sapiens. We will never be able to face down that we are to blame for the planet’s health and environmental destruction. At this […]

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Amazon-owner strikes at low-wage workers twice in a week

Boas strangle their victims

Recently the Amazon owner, Jeff Bezos, slashed twice within a week upon those working in recent acquisitions: Whole Foods, and the Washington Post. The Express is a daily publication by the Washington Post that was distributed free throughout the Metro area. On weekday mornings, one could pick up a paper for free at the Metro station. Leftover stacks would be […]

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DC Tenants Union draws attention to affordability crisis

TENAC organizes, April 5, 2019

The DC Tenants Union met on July 20, 2019 at the All Souls Church on 16th Street in Washington, D.C. Visitors and union members exchanged stories about how increasing rent prices have affected them and what they are trying to do about it. DC Tenants Union is one of a handful of organizations representing tenant organizing and advocacy by tenants […]

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