Vote Early, Registration Deadlines for 2020

Election Day 2020 is on November 3rd, but already the race is on in determining who will be our next President. Due to COVID-19, record numbers of people are on the move. According to “Changes to polling places are possible due to the coronavirus. These may include different locations, layouts, procedures, and availability of translators.” notes that many […]

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Brian O’Leary, ex-NASA address to United Nations

Brian O'Leary, ex-NASA, Higher Consciousness

Here is a transcript for educational purposes (adapted for hearing impaired) of Dr. Brian O’Leary’s Address to the United Nations on the need to invest in truly clean cheap free energy that would be beneficial for all life on Spaceship Earth, and help us amid the global resources and climate crises. AGN’s transcription is the recognition of leadership, eloquence, and […]

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Trail of COVID-19 Deaths and PPE Shortages

No face mask needed

After a month of daily COVID-19 press briefings, the nation is reeling from COVID-19 deaths with bodies spilling out of morgues, nursing homes, hospital hallways, and huge refrigerated trucks. As of the first week of May, there are over 1.3 million cases in the United States and over 80,000 deaths. New York state continues to rank the highest with almost […]

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Trump fuels anti-Asian hate wave: What to do

03/30/2020, Times Square. NYC

AGN Editor Preface: There’s no question President Trump’s attitude and comments are fueling hostility towards Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI). National organizations are trying to combat the hatred. They take a more generic approach, while others are rooted in community-based heritage and AAPI cultural identity. On a personal level, you owe it to yourself to stand up for yourself and […]

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WHO Report: China COVID-19 approaches rapid and effective

COVID-19 Identification Classification

A team of international scientists and medical doctors traveled to China in mid-February to investigate the Chinese methods for containing COVID-19. This was before the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations classified COVID-19 officially as a pandemic. Following their investigation there were media interviews streamed live by Xinhua News Agency, and a report published on the WHO-China Joint Mission […]

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Democratic Presidential Candidate Debate: Focus on Covid-19

March 15, 2020 DNC debate

The most recent Democratic Party debate occurred on March 15, 2020 in the insulated studios of CNN. The debate was moved to Washington, D.C. at the last minute due to the incipient Covid-19 crises affecting cities across the United States. Beginning on March 12th, many federal institutions, including museums, libraries, schools, universities, stadiums, theatres, and food venues announced a two-week […]

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Michael Moore slams Bloomberg, here’s why

Mayor Bloomberg brilliant entrepreneur billionaire but not for president

In tonight’s Episode 39: “Bloomberg and His Own ‘Kids in Cages,’” Academy Award winning documentary film-maker Michael Moore slams Democratic presidential candidate billionaire Mike Bloomberg. This takes audacity, and we have to have some hope, now that Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Peter Buttigieg, and Andrew Yang have all conceded. Why is former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg hanging on? As […]

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From The Peace Report: Trump will get second term due to favorable influences

According to The Peace Report, President Trump is headed for a second term because the Democratic Party is more concerned about elevating corporate profits to keep shareholders happy than the demise of the middle class. However he also shares the idea that both parties ignore the nascent ponerology of which Trump is emblematic. Undercovered by corporate and even alternate media, […]

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Yang2020 fighting back and rising up

Screenshot The View (aired Jan 8, 2020)

While the Democratic Party regards Andrew Yang as an underdog in the run for presidential nomination, Yang2020 is fighting back for all it’s worth. The unusual part about it is that the fight is taking place online and in various social media. Yang, who just turned 45 in January, is the second youngest of the candidates; and he is the […]

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Election year 2020: The system changes you

"347 Bills lay buried in the Republican graveyard" art project

Both Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Elizabeth Warren are being marginalized by the establishment media. The nature of media attacks replicate what happened in 2016 with independents. Media coverage for the Democratic presidential runners often emphasizes spats rather than the substance of their platforms; at CNN it seems the Russian-trolls are at it again (although obviously there are other […]

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Assassination of IRG General Sparks Protests in America

January 4, 2020 Peace Protests against War in Iran

“War is now officially everywhere and eternal, thereby allowing presidents even greater powers, which they can use in the waging of even more wars, from which yet more powers could derive, and so forth to Armageddon, unless something breaks the cycle.”—David Swanson, War is a Lie President Trump starts 2020s with more bloodshed in Middle East Washington, D.C. — Over […]

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Yang2020: Humanity First

Yang at Iowa Town Hall

Mr. Yang, a self-made entrepreneur, appears to be a fresh face on the political scene. Only 44 years old, he is the founder of a training camp for startups called Venture for America. So far, as presidential candidate, he is best known for proposing a Universal Basic Income (UBI), a basic wage for all Americans of $1000 per month. The […]

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