Brian O’Leary, ex-NASA address to United Nations

Brian O'Leary, ex-NASA, Higher Consciousness

Here is a transcript for educational purposes (adapted for hearing impaired) of Dr. Brian O’Leary’s Address to the United Nations on the need to invest in truly clean cheap free energy that would be beneficial for all life on Spaceship Earth, and help us amid the global resources and climate crises. AGN’s transcription is the recognition of leadership, eloquence, and […]

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Let’s Fight #Covid19 with Music

We are Unity Song Project

Healing music is action that is positive, supports mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Mental health experts note that there is a rise in PTSD occurring because of all the additional stress. There are people who dislike positivism and enjoy creating fear—according to, these might be termed Asuras. These may devolve into beings that label, parse, and generalize away in […]

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Trail of COVID-19 Deaths and PPE Shortages

No face mask needed

After a month of daily COVID-19 press briefings, the nation is reeling from COVID-19 deaths with bodies spilling out of morgues, nursing homes, hospital hallways, and huge refrigerated trucks. As of the first week of May, there are over 1.3 million cases in the United States and over 80,000 deaths. New York state continues to rank the highest with almost […]

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WHO Report: China COVID-19 approaches rapid and effective

COVID-19 Identification Classification

A team of international scientists and medical doctors traveled to China in mid-February to investigate the Chinese methods for containing COVID-19. This was before the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations classified COVID-19 officially as a pandemic. Following their investigation there were media interviews streamed live by Xinhua News Agency, and a report published on the WHO-China Joint Mission […]

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DC Homeless experience COVID-19 side effects

Union Station missing spring tourists

The homeless community in the Washington, D.C. metro region are abnormally adversely affected by all the side ramifications of COVID-19 from not being able to frequent their usual haunts to not being able to panhandle. Many of the most vulnerable suffer from mental illness and may not even be aware of the crisis. They may not understand the symptoms of […]

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Yang2020 fighting back and rising up

Screenshot The View (aired Jan 8, 2020)

While the Democratic Party regards Andrew Yang as an underdog in the run for presidential nomination, Yang2020 is fighting back for all it’s worth. The unusual part about it is that the fight is taking place online and in various social media. Yang, who just turned 45 in January, is the second youngest of the candidates; and he is the […]

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Yang2020: Humanity First

Yang at Iowa Town Hall

Mr. Yang, a self-made entrepreneur, appears to be a fresh face on the political scene. Only 44 years old, he is the founder of a training camp for startups called Venture for America. So far, as presidential candidate, he is best known for proposing a Universal Basic Income (UBI), a basic wage for all Americans of $1000 per month. The […]

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Amazon-owner strikes at low-wage workers twice in a week

Boas strangle their victims

Recently the Amazon owner, Jeff Bezos, slashed twice within a week upon those working in recent acquisitions: Whole Foods, and the Washington Post. The Express is a daily publication by the Washington Post that was distributed free throughout the Metro area. On weekday mornings, one could pick up a paper for free at the Metro station. Leftover stacks would be […]

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Poor People’s Campaigns Taking Place in June

Mule cart, 1968 PPC, DC Public Library Special Collections, reprinted with permission

Washington, DC– At least two Poor People’s Campaigns (PPC) are taking place this June in commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign. One Poor People’s Campaign is led by Union Theological Seminary’s Kairos Foundation based in New York City in partnership with Repairers of the Breach, a social justice organization founded by Reverend William J. Barber, […]

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Stockton UBI: What would you do with an extra $1000 per month?

Living along the riverbanks is the norm in many developing countries

A universal basic income (UBI) plan is proposed by the City of Stockton in California. It is the brainchild of Michael Tubbs, the first African-American mayor ever elected, and also its youngest. Universal Basic Income, also called Guaranteed Basic Income, is generally designed to offset the widening gap between cost of living and money earned by the poor. The Bay […]

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Hawaii legislation and homelessness: the good, the bad, the ugly

When can these encampment be zoned safe

The State of Hawaii is paradise, if you have money to spend. The population of the state in 2017 was 1,427,538 people, but it is decreasing at the rate of 3 people per day. This is after accounting for births and new move-ins. Over a five year period an estimated 37,000 people have left, mostly for the mainland. Invisible people […]

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ADAPT, and Obama defend Obamacare

Disability advocates defend Obamacare

As the Senate unveiled their version of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) on Thursday June 22, 2017, the American Disabled Attendant Programs Today (ADAPT) staged a morning die-in in front of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office on Capitol Hill. A more macabre scene could not be imagined. As the so-called caring Senators prepared to speak before the Senate […]

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