Vote for Kennedy, Heal the Divide: “Recovering America”

From trailer of "Recovering America"

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will soon qualify to be on the ballot for U.S. President 2024 in all 50 states, including in the District of Columbia, but many voters don’t know it. Kennedy Jr. confirmed this in a live call while thanking his volunteers for helping collect signatures. Team Kennedy is holding campaign conferences and phone banks to reach out […]

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Falun Gong Parade 2024 in Washington DC

“An ancient practice, for a modern age.” A spectacular display from the Falun Gong Association of New York and many sections from around the country took place here in Washington, DC recently. On Thursday July 11, 2024, a hot summer day, the 32nd year celebration of Falun Gong Buddhist movement commenced at 1pm starting from Pennsylvania Avenue near the National […]

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Pro-Palestine Students Protests Face Police Brutality

GWU Gaza Solidarity Encampment emptied May 8th

A record number of student protests have taken place over the past two months. The students’ courage and persistence have helped spread copy-cat protests around the globe. Despite enduring police brutality and other penalties, these social justice warriors truly deserve commendation for showing moral fiber and support for the Palestinians trapped in Gaza. However most of mainstream media coverage about […]

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Gaza Strip’s Universities Destroyed in Cultural Genocide

Blood for Oil, Gaza Gas Deal, Palestine Chronicle

Latest–Israel deprives the Palestinians of water The Zionists of Israel have not only been stealing from the Palestinians of the West Bank, but poisoning their water wells as Al Jazeera has reported. The latest method for taking over the West Bank includes sending in concrete trucks to pour concrete down Palestinian-owned water wells in order to cut off their water […]

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Seerah on Gaza: Kindness in face of Hostility

Palestinian children deserve to live_IMEU_halfview

The atrocities in Gaza have continued unabated despite Security Council resolution 2720 passed at the United Nations on 22 Dec 2023. The aid resolution passed with an abstention by Russia and the United States, but it calls for “immediate, safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale directly to the Palestinian civilian population throughout the Gaza Strip.” Nevertheless, the […]

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RFK Jr Independent Platform Needed for Youth Vote

Robert F Kennedy Jr 2024 Presidential candidate declares Independence

Dark Times Ahead Yesterday while watching Jonathan’s ChoeShow footage of skirmishes between the Israeli defenders vs Palestinian activists in Kirkland, WA, there was a watershed moment at the end of one of the videos. This reporter could almost swear she saw one of her nephews at the event, standing on the third “observer” corner designated by police. It brought tears […]

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Bullying against AAPI: Fightback News

President John F Kennedy, 35th president of the United States, the ideal Peace President

Most AAPI know that the discrimination against nonblacks is getting worse by the day. Brave journalists such as Jonathan Choe of Discovery Institute has brought to the fore the atrocities against Asians committed on the streets of Seattle. Most recently this includes a racist person smashing windows at the Wing Luke Museum, racist robberies and shootings in South Seattle/Beacon Hill […]

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No Peace Plan for Ukraine, Just More Escalation

Ukrainian National Cemetery in Kiev

Random attacks traceable to amoral standards In the U-R War campaign, half of the war is here at home within the United States. It becomes who we are and what we fail to do to help our country past this impasse—a moral impasse. It explains why the government is unable and unwilling to address the deterioration of once thriving cities, […]

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Russia-Africa Summit Dialogic Themes – Developing New Ties

Russia-Africa Summit, July 27-29

In the Age of Autocracy, third world countries face stark choices after the postponement of the Black Sea Grain Initiative. While China has alleviated its poverty or has devised innovative ways upon which to expand its agriculture, the grain dependent nations of Africa are queuing up to offer deals with Russia in exchange for grain shipments, promises of security, and […]

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China vs Africa Peace Deal: Magic Mushroom?

Endless food supply_tiangong

The China Peace Initiative launched in February 2023 is the People’s Republic of China desire to play a constructive role in resolving the Ukraine-Russia War. As discussed in brief in official China news, the 12-point proposal includes[1]: The ceasing of civilian disruptions to business and trade, and having secure logistics and transportation routes makes imminent sense; however, those engaged in […]

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Gangland USA

shen mo shi, what's going on

As an ABC who grew up in Fresno, CA., we lived under the myth that our city was just a sleepy farm-town. The worst crime might be a car-theft (that usually was returned after a fun night out). MS-13 (or F-13) was a gang that the Fresno County Sheriffs had a stranglehold on, and anyway, they didn’t do hard drugs. […]

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Update on wars


There are so many facets on the bits-and-pieces of World War 3 that it is not easy to cover. Anyone who thinks we are not already mired in World War 3 is a fool. The NATO is just wrapping up yet another exercise from the past two weeks in Europe, with practice exercises adjacent to the Russian border. About 20 […]

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