Snakes in the Garden – Op-ed

Be happy!

Or how even the best of intentions can fail…[Crosspost from yourhomelessblog]   Every day now is a struggle for many Americans who must cope with the prevalent surreality — if they are awake! How many of us are not awake, because we are forced into a mold that disallows us the privilege of thinking for ourselves much less with expression? […]

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Brian O’Leary, ex-NASA address to United Nations

Brian O'Leary, ex-NASA, Higher Consciousness

Here is a transcript for educational purposes (adapted for hearing impaired) of Dr. Brian O’Leary’s Address to the United Nations on the need to invest in truly clean cheap free energy that would be beneficial for all life on Spaceship Earth, and help us amid the global resources and climate crises. AGN’s transcription is the recognition of leadership, eloquence, and […]

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Unit 731: Japanese-style Auschwitz, never again?

Unit 731 infograph

The global shutdown from the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented, and as nations are grappling with adaptations and perspectives, the United Nations Secretary Antonio Guterres has recommended time and again that all nations cooperate and collaborate with one another. On June 26, 2020, he stood up for the United Nations Charter and reminded us of that watershed moment at its 75th […]

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Why humans will not survive mass extinction

Tianti store calendar 2017

According to scientists from around the world, the next mass extinction is already underway. Unlike previous ones, this mass extinction will likely be unique in that it was enabled by the smartest creatures on the planet: Homo Sapiens. We will never be able to face down that we are to blame for the planet’s health and environmental destruction. At this […]

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A Better World: The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil

Community Gardens Cuba

What if the world oil supply were suddenly drastically reduced? What if due to unforseen circumstances such as foreign attack, Arab oil fields such as Ghawar Field were shut down? For Cuba, this was the impact when they were cut off from oil shipments in the 1990s. In the Soviet Union, due to Perestroika, former state companies became worthless and […]

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Hibakusha Stories Promotes Peace in the Age of War

Shadows drawing by toshiko kihara

As the threat of nuclear war creeps closer to Doomsday, it’s time to think about the collateral damage of nuclear war. Hibakusha Stories is a New York-based UN affiliated grassroots think-tank exploring the harm of atomic bombs. Dramatically, artistically, and intimately, they present the perspective of survivors from atomic bomb attacks in 1945. Hibakusha Stories is unique in that it […]

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Giving through suffering, living the word

Here is a recent video clip from Da Ai television. Da Ai television is one of the humanitarian works of Tzu Chi. Their news clips feature some of today’s news mostly from Asia but with humanitarian themes. More than this, there is the overarching emphasis of benevolence, authenticity, and environment. According to Master Chen Yen, if we truly believe in making the world […]

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Zhentong: Monkhood, cultivation, and few regrets

Journey to discover the Way

In the war of the worlds, good news is getting harder to share. Nevertheless, its important to share stories of hope, self-actualization, and well-being. Sister Zhentong rejected the lifestyle of an ordinary woman. Like Sakyamuni, she retreated from the world to try to answer deep questions. Who are we, and what is our final destiny? Must we live lives of […]

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ICRC Peace Prize Centennial and American Founder Clara Barton

Clara Barton, Historic Park along Barton Parkway

January 2017 marks the centennial of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)’s Nobel Peace Prize for its prisoner-of-war program during World War I. Far from being a torture program such as at Guantanamo Bay, the ICRC was nominated by French professor Louis Renault for its provisions of humanitarian relief to soldiers, including food, medicine, treatment, and communications. According to […]

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Dynamic Schools Trans-human Agenda?

Arnold battling his younger self, Image from

Here’s a creative blog about school troubles today. With President-elect Trump having chosen an ultra-conservative cast of advisors, cabinet appointments, and Department heads, our last bastion of unionized middle-class white-collar work for those majoring in liberal arts is headed for extinction. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education nominee, will try her best to “hand school funds over for privatization” whether for-profit […]

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Beyond Science

Small orbs during eclipse

  There are myriad ways to interpret the creation of the universe and many natural phenomena. For this we are grateful to astronomers, mythologists, scientists, researchers, filmmakers, musicians, photographers, writers, journalists, educators, philosophers, social scientists, and countless people who are not confined to the brick-and-stone matrix. Several fascinating videos are linked below. 5 Real UFOs Making Crop Circles – Beyond Science 5 Clues the Great Flood(s) Actually Happened […]

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