Water system inadequacies contribute to failures during L.A. fires

Status of Fire Incidents Jan 19, 2025 from CalFire

Tragedy has fueled speculation about the causes Many questions arise about the Los Angeles fire infernos over the past ten days. The first significant L.A. area fire began on January 7, recorded live by a LAX video journalist 10:30am. The Pacific Palisades fire spread embers and fireballs due to the abnormally high winds, as high as 90mph. This was how […]

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Falun Gong Parade 2024 in Washington DC

“An ancient practice, for a modern age.” A spectacular display from the Falun Gong Association of New York and many sections from around the country took place here in Washington, DC recently. On Thursday July 11, 2024, a hot summer day, the 32nd year celebration of Falun Gong Buddhist movement commenced at 1pm starting from Pennsylvania Avenue near the National […]

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Migrant cartels squeeze into homeless trough

EL threw away the curtains and staff promised to replace them four months ago.

Homeless Services Limited Shrinking Accountability Due to Increases in Migrants Thank to the Biden Administration with its gates wide open for all-migrants rushing into the United States, “Houston, we have a great problem!” Not only is New York facing a deficit and possible bankruptcy accommodating the migrants, but so are other sanctuary cities. All citizens living in the city nowadays […]

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World Day of Humanity: #NotAlone Event

Declaration of Human Fraternity prepared by Nobel Peace laureates

On a sunny Spring day in Rome, the World Day of Humanity global ceremony began officially in mid afternoon, June 10, 2023 in Vatican City at Saint Peter’s Square. The signing of the Declaration of Human Fraternity 2023 as prepared by more than 30 Nobel Peace Prize laureates took place at 6pm. Today it was signed by Nobel Peace Prize […]

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Saving the Cannibalistic Void

Bear as in the animal

“You can have your illusion of freedom and independence, just know that Big Brother is watching it all, every dollar you spend, every place you travel, every move you make, every second of the day…We aim to hear your thoughts too.”—-Technocratic Society for Mass Dysfunctionalism Moral dysfunctionalism The end of the totalitarianism only began with the fight for freedom but […]

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Wisdom is Virtue

De_Virtue the means to save one's life for heaven

We have been learning about Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) ever since the story broke at Redacted.inc about social workers, healthcare professionals, and others openly suggesting to patients that they “take the plunge.” Since Canada has socialized medicine, I always thought it might be the model of what the United States should enact—a real working single-payer system. However according to […]

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The hardest thing: Truth


The hardest thing at the End Kalpa (which is what various Buddhist masters believe we are living in this age) is that Truth is hard to find, difficult to discover, and moreover, even when it becomes self-evident, it is rejected. That is what is happening now in the unfolding drama in Ukraine. Each side contends the other side is winning, […]

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New Year Resolution: Benevolence

Kindness include for yourself too

When a blogger is forced to reconsider their entire layout due to a defunct theme, outdated PHP, insecure plugin, it really can be frustrating. Fortunately WordPress has lots of supporters, developers, and a community that includes anything from new software creators, content creators, educational or training websites, and the diverse spectrum of users. So for the present outlay which has […]

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Global Movement for Peace for Ukraine

can the phoenix match the dove

Darkening Skies presage Doomsday At the United Nations last month Mexico’s delegation conveyed the hope of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to convene a special emergency caucus in order to provide a pathway for peace dialogue. Perhaps a new Minsk Accords that would include an immediate ceasefire and negotiations for resettlement for the people of Ukraine. However since the Nordstream […]

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Media Talk: Conscripts for the 1%

Left doesn't accept the Right, right?

Talking about the media is a thorny issue, yet it must be done to protect our democracy. Both John Dewey and Ben Franklin, great thinkers if not great men, believe that community dialogue is an integral part of developing a healthily informed society. Yet today, one must ask, to what extent does that actually take place? We already know the […]

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Church of the Epiphany Helps Save All in Need

Red doors mark this iconic church near the White House

Rollbacks, Extortion, Shortages—-What do we do? In a time of new frustration and vexation, it’s easy to succomb to all kinds of acting out. Maybe that is why the Triad has decided to raise once “settled” issues. Over the past week, we’ve seen a new “contest” over the right for women to have abortion, and a new cry and hue […]

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Vaccine Authoritarianism has arrived in Washington, D.C.

2022 calendar minghui.org

On January 15, 2022, Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s edict goes into effect. DC Health VaxDC mandates vaccination passports to be shown for admittance into restaurants, movie theaters, sports venues, gyms, conference halls, and “any other indoor establishment designated by the Director of the DC Department of Health.” While medical and religious exemptions are allowed, it will be necessary to […]

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