APIA Presidential Election Forum offers last-minute guidance for voters


As voters head toward the polls on Tuesday, November 8th, to vote for the next president of the United States, who will they favor? Asian Pacific Islander Vote (APIAVote), together with Asian American Journalist Association (AAJA) hosted a historic event this year coinciding with the AAJA Annual Convention. On Friday August 12th at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas candidates from […]

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Sam Hill Wrong in Flagstaff

Sam Hill Wrong in Flagstaff

There are a lot of ironies built-in to this story about what in “Sam Hill Wrong in Flagstaff.” First, my arrival was adventitious, due to a broken-down Greyhound bus, and tired of certain troublesome creatures on the bus. Second, generally I had a swell time in Flagstaff: it’s beautiful, the air is fresh and clean. Third, my complaints originated from […]

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Minority NGOs Sellout to Clinton Democracy Bandwagon

Do AAPIs really believe TTP/TTIP will come with no backlash?

Are we entering an age of authoritarian market democracy? In fact, the trend began shortly after Barack Obama took office in 2008. Commentators noted that he surrounded himself with neoconservative experts. According to Jane Hamsher, formerly of Firedoglake, campaign staffers were told they or their non-governmental organizations (NGOs) must conform or bow out. They were “kneecapped” or fired. Obama’s disincentivization […]

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AJAM Closure a Loss for Would-Be Journalists

Al Jazeera America news online

After two-and-a half years Al-Jazeera America shut down it’s station in mid-April this year. The loss is incalculable insofar as bold watchdog journalism goes at a time when our country is at a critical crossroad with regard to elections, climate change and peak oil, and economic sustainability—and especially with regard to balanced mass media broadcasting. The official reason why Al-Jazeera […]

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IPPNW Townhall Combats Growing Danger of Nuclear War (Pt. 2)

1st IPPNW Asian Youth Congress in Patna, India

In Part 1, Dr. Helfand talks about three nuclear war scenarios and why we are increasingly at risk for a global-scale nuclear calamity. In Part 2, Dr. Helfand of IPPNW describes specific courses of action, including ways to educate the public and influence policy-makers about the growing danger of nuclear war.

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Shen Yun 2016 includes Central Valley

Shen Yun performs at Saroyan Theatre

2016 is a special year for Shen Yun Performing Arts. It’s the premier Chinese cultural dance troupe’s 10th anniversary. To mark the anniversary, Shen Yun is providing theatre-goers a beautiful memento playbill, full of information about the company and detailed program notes explained in English with Chinese translations. New stops in the Western USA tour include Central Valley cities such […]

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Asian-American Forum combats human trafficking massage parlors with lesson plan

Joined in bipartisan effort to curb sex-trafficking

A few month ago, Asian American Forum (AAF) offered a challenge. Which Asian American journalist will come up with the next article about human trafficking and Asian massage parlors? January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness month and AAF has published a Unit Plan on Human Trafficking with Asian Massage Parlors: The Skinny LP in its Winter 2016 issue. […]

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