Anti-Netanyahu Color Revolution Protests in DC

July 24th Free Palestine

This week there have been protests daily during Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to Congress in Washington, D.C. this July 22-26th, 2024.

There are unusual circumstances surrounding this visit, one of at least four that the Prime Minister has made over the years. First, he is staying at Watergate Hotel, instead of Blair House which is the official White House guest house for foreign heads of state. Staying at Watergate, about four miles away, there are higher risks and therefore a significant amount of additional security detail for the Watergate, as well as on Capitol Hill, and on Thursday surrounding the White House.

Netanyahu was tracked by protesters wherever he travelled.

Demonstrators erected effigies of the Prime Minister

Additionally, publicly the Prime Minister has never met with more significant protests with thousands of protesters busing in to Washington, D.C. to protest Israel’s genocidal policies against Gaza and also the West Bank. Many of the protesters come from the Muslim American communities who have been holding protests since the retaliation for the October 7th attack in Israel by Hamas terrorists.

As reported earlier by AGN this has included a large number of college and university student campus protests which had often eventually met with police and university administrative repressive measures. Students have lost their scholarships, fellowships, university standing, and professors have lost their positions due to voicing support for Gaza, displaying a Palestinian flag, or advocating Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions.

Many protesters created home-made signs and banners

Protesters came with their own Anti-Netanyahu signs

It is partly due to this sort of surveillance and punitive attacks that many students, protesters, and participants at protests today frequently wear sunglasses or masks, or headscarves and are strictly into role-playing at the Gaza protests. This is not the 1960s when students often came out for the sharing and relationship building, nor the civil rights meetings when people reached out across the tables, nor the Vietnam protests. Even up to eight years ago, the bikers would ride into D.C. to camp out during Memorial Day at the National Mall.

Marchers try to head up to Capitol Hill

Demonstrators wanted to march to Congress but were stopped

The truckers also came to D.C. a few years ago, but up in Canada, they have built whole supportive communities for the international truckers and their unions. Today, thanks to the globalists and their attempt to replace everything with self-driving vehicles and automation; these are slowly dying in the United States. It is now an age where people trust their black glass mirrors more than a real human standing next to them. Soon, it will even be the case where attending a demonstration via Oculus glasses might be a “better experience.”

In fact, the impression today is that many come prepared to do only what they have deemed as “suitable scripted-action.” They prepare slick-looking creative signs, come dressed in recommended “red” shirt, and wearing a symbolic Palestinian scarf or bringing a Palestinian flag to wave. This was the recommended role-play (besides clapping and chanting) by the ANSWER Coalition on Wednesday July 24th when Netanyahu is scheduled to speak before Congress.

The deep state sends many operatives to the protests as well

Dressed for Success at the “Free Palestine, Arrest Netanyahu” Rally

The “Free Palestine Rally” began at 11am near 3rd and Constitution Avenue in front of the National Gallery of Art East Building, and included an elaborate stage, sound speakers, and requests for road blockoffs in the vicinity. While the meeting progressed, the narrator kept announcing additional roadblocks claiming that “The People” were “scoring victories for Palestine.” In reality, these roadblocks are provided free by the Washington D.C. Public Works and D.O.T. for the safety of the public-at-large and have nothing to do with specific causes.

Throughout the demonstration event there were other deceptive messages being conveyed to the protesters who did not seem to mind being gaslighted or used as live-event props or crowd-augmenting supernumeraries. All the news organizations and independent news love to film the protesters waving their NGO-printed posters and Palestinian scarves, and many Jacobin red shirts were screen-printed for this event saying “Summer of Resistance” or “Stop Arming Genocide” or something similar in message and tone. ANSWER and sister organizations also provided numerous free picket signs proclaiming their support for a Free Palestine. There were also people carting around extra signs and posters for people to carry or take home, and even volunteers carting around free water-bottles and snacks for those in the crowd who were in need of a free lunch.


The New Age will be Feminist and Pacifist

Amnesty International holds Ceasefire Now banner

As for the speakers, there was an unsual presence of feminist speakers and persons of Semitic background, which was somewhat to be expected, since the recent announcement that the Biden Democratic Presidential replacement will be his black female Vice President, Kamala Harris, for the November 7th election. Since the announcement on Sunday afternoon July 21st, a new advertising campaign is geared to attract the hard left towards voting for Harris. Of course with many leftist socialist and color organizations present at the protests, the aggressive marketing to accept a Black female for President has begun using these peace, freedom, social-justice, and labor rallies.

A large presence of Jewish Voices for Peace was present

Even Jewish-American protesters want peace in the Middle East

This means at the protest there had to be a noticeable feminist element and BLM-type color elements with the two ideally combined to signify or advance the notion that a female “Jezebel” will make a great leader for the future of America. To put it another way, straight white males speaking on stage are mostly an exception. And to make it clear how far advanced the American establishment is in gearing for war against China, at times this AAPI felt quite unwelcome, due undoubtedly to the effective anti-China historical distortionism and stereotyping being covertly advanced inside the American educational system.

Yeshiva Orthodox Rabbis believe that the Palestine should be for everyone

Orthodox Rabbis also protest against the wars in the Middle East

The worst prejudices have often been evinced by teenaged students or those under the age of 25. In fact, one group of so-called “student-artists” made a point of turning their heads away when this reporter wanted to take a photo; meanwhile when another Arabic female took a photo, those same “student-artists” all decided to bare their faces and smile.

Such are the limited insincere hypocritical delusional apreciations of diversity, inclusion, and equity that in fact, it is no wonder that despite the claim that there were “ten blocked off streets” in D.C. due to “The People have taken them over in the name of Palestine”—the reality that the crowd size was worthy of at most four intersection blockades might not register with the self-indulgent narcissists.

In fact, the crowd was so missing in greater communication and cross-cultural sensibility that even older Americans or Vietnam veterans were ogled at as if they were oddities. Older women especially in our insensitive post-Millennial age are treated as if they are pariahs worthy of being beached off the coast of Antarctica. They are purposely ignored or spoken over. This of course is something that stage-loving exhibitionists will not comprehend so long as they still manage to buy up air time to allow themselves to stick their leg up on stage.

Vietnam Vets a rarity at Peace Rallies today

Vietnam Vets grace the Free Palestine Rally with their presence

This is precisely the aim of Pabloite Socialism, as or 4th International Trotskyites, like to point out. Color revolutions are often designed to be mostly single-issue, to direct the focus of the crowd to an immediate cause tied with current events. The background, the historical context, and most importantly the global context are often completely absent. It was this way also with BLM when all the crowds were directed to do was chant “Black Lives Matter” hypnotically for hours at a time. It is this way to encourage illogical thinking, limited analysis, and to encourage confusion and divisiveness. When people are held together by a shallow monologue, how can a genuine workers movement reflect and grow?

There were very few AAPI protesters in the crowd

Protesters wanted to march to Congress to serve Netanyahu his ICC arrest warrant

With self-absorbed gratuitous Pabloite Socialists taking the reins, the leaders themselves often sell out their unions or those they claim to represent. It relies upon them conditioning their followers to behave just like circus-animals. So we have to remember that this is the experience of today’s so-called protesting youth: they are rewarded by their willingness to “follow the rules” however fascistical. Anyone not wearing a “red teeshirt,” looking older than 25, and waving something else (such as carrying a Vets for Peace flag) is ostracized.

Similarly under the Color Revolution Agenda, Muslims and Jews do not necessarily heal their differences; rather they are unified under only an immediate demand for a ceasefire. Both sides ignore or downplay the presence of Christians. Paganists are hip due to the degeneracy of American culture, while Buddhists are by and large “unrecognizable.” It is no wonder that the entire event pretty much felt awash with a collectivist karmic atmosphere rather than anything particularly clean, loving, or wholesome, especially from a spiritual aspect.

Real people will march regardless of race, gender, background, ethnicity, or religion.

Real people want to end debt-funded military industrial complex and war deaths

As for the Color Revolution Collectivists on stage, there were many of the usual black peace and social justice organizations, the Green Party, Code Pink, U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, Black Alliance for Peace, but with a few more exotic names this time around. Code Pink also made a very Jezebel-like presentation with Medea holding her foot against the anus of the replica of a Netanyahu crouching on the ground. One could not fathom if this was a metaphor for a female-Napolean declaring her landing on a Netanyahu-Plymouth rock, or alternatively, the feminist Jewess having given birth to a Monstrosity that she now could prod with her foot to help it crawl along on its reptilean claws.

Evidently it was sexually-arousing enough to rock the crowd to later on take to burning the American flag at Union Station and setting afire at least one (of several) Netanyahu effigies.

Doctors Against Genocide were a noticeable presence

Doctors Against Genocide spoke at the Rally

Special speakers today also included Adrian Dorn of Riverside Church in NYC; a Rabbi Feldman, a female rabbi, speaking about how Zionism is not Judaism; Council of American Muslim Relations representative who predicted that today’s speech by Netanyahu will almost certainly be about promoting war with Iran; Center for Constitutional Rights; President of the Postal Workers Union speaking on behalf of the United Auto Workers; Palestine Feminist Collective; The People’s Forum; and Brian Becker of ANSWER Coalition.

The fact that the teamsters are calling for an end by the U.S. government for military aid to Gaza and other wars is not unreasonable. The teamsters and many union workers including the Nurses Union, National Educational Association, and Union of Flight Attendants realize that they are subsidizing the wars through higher inflation, higher taxes, longer working hours, less free speech, logistical supply chain issues, and economic slack. The Build Back Better President is shipping more jobs than ever overseas, and meanwhile, unions are being undercut by new swarms of “scabs” willing to work for the lowest wages (even if the leftists are generally welcoming of endless additional immigrations).

The United States of America will become a land full of feminist fascinista leaders

More Semitic feminists hold up banners for taking back Palestine

Other speakers such as Claudia De La Cruz of the Party for Socialism and Liberation spoke of the need to liberate all of Palestine and that both parties in Congress are “sponsors of terrorists.” Jewish Voices for Peace Azar Ester spoke of “full and deep solidarity with Palestinian siblings” and how the U.S. is being gaslit by its leaders about ceasefires while shipping 2000 pound bombs to Israel [to use against defenseless civilians]. Doctors Against Genocide also sent spokespersons who described the challenges of their missions to Gaza.

Israel is not a democracy

Israel National Law protects an Apartheid State and bans multi-ethnic demonstrations

The entire recording from all the presentations from the ANSWER stage and pre-march rally are on video at Status Coup News (YouTube) and at BreakThrough News.

4th International Speeches from Socialist Equality Party Rally: Oppose Genocide and Imperialist War

As the afternoon was heating up, and thousands of marchers tried in vain to reach the Capitol Building (they were blocked by police and there were scuffles and pepper spray used), other demonstrators melted away towards the Mall. It was not quite as Max Blumenthal recounts inside of the safe turtle shell of his vehicle though. There were not “tons of” helicopters (unless he meant by weight) nor an “excessive” presence of police.

DC Metro police are trained to look friendly

DC Metro police maintain a low-key orderly presence

In fact all during the rally 11am-1pm, the few visible police stood by the sidelines and maintained a very polite, low-key presence. They were only built-up when the marchers wanted to storm past the gates blocking off the streets at the base of Capitol Hill. In and of itself this was an unusual extra precaution for Netanyahu who was delivering his speech that hour before Congress. There were only about 3-4 helicopters flying about above the Mall and over the Capitol Building. (Blumenthal has been caught exaggerating and even smearing the research of If Americans Knew long-time writer Alison Weir, so this report from him at Glenn Greenwald was not too much of a surprise.)

However the fact was that there were additional police being offloaded from unmarked vans even in front of 3rd Street parking lot, visible as this reporter was listening to the SEP Presidential Candidate, Joseph Kishore, speak. The secret surprise of this SEP Rally was that World Socialist Web Site Founder and SEP Leader David North himself made an appearance and delivered an excellent speech.

The world eminent David North of 4th International at the SEP Rally in DC on July 24, 2024

David North, Founder of World Socialist Web Site, decries War and Genocide

North (who is Jewish-American) spoke about how we are facing a time of racial hatred and fierce nationalism that hearkens back to the time of life in Germany under the Fuhrer. As a society we cannot afford to deal with these kinds of problems ambiguously. We must confront it in the same fearless manner as Supreme Court Justice turned Nuremburg Court Trial Lawyer Robert H. Jackson did in 1945. The people must “warn and make politicians responsible to the law.” Today the ruling class in Europe and the U.S. are “using their power to commit criminal aggression.” The rule of law “can only be enforced by the working class” organized against their conspiracies.

North recounts how he came to Washington, D.C. as a young man, in 1969, to protest the Vietnam War. Even then, he had started realizing the bankruptcy in American politics (under Nixon).

“55 years later, what have we learned? The issues we face are even greater today…Only the Trotskyite-Marxist perspective helps with providing political insight.”

North stresses the importance of building an anti-war movement which is equal in importance and significance to a working class movement for mobilization and independence. When we end war, we end capitalism, and it cannot be otherwise, North emphasizes.

“When we end war, we end capitalism, and it cannot be otherwise.”

Key to understanding how the workers and the people can do this is to join the Socialist Equality Party and attend their workers meetings. (Of course, it also can include joining a chapter, purchasing one of the many titles available at Mehring Books, and keeping up to date with news and other events from World Socialist Web Site).

Next, Joseph Kishore, who is this year’s Socialist Equality Party nomination for President in 2024, spoke at the podium. Against the backdrop of the U.S. Capitol Building, even with the buzzing of helicopters and the SWAT teams being unloaded from the parking lot, it was a stirring scene.

Joseph Kishore the SEP candidate for U.S. President 2024

Joseph Kishore, Socialist Equality Party nominee for U.S. President in 2024, defends SEP as the only party that will guide workers to an organized worldwide revolution against capitalism

Kishore recounts the current state of calamity in Gaza with its destruction of all facilities critical for maintaining a quality of life: water treatment facilities, medical facilities, educational institutions, bakeries, cultural institutions, residential homes, telecommunications, etc. This represents a bulwark of imperialism in the Middle East, and its failure there indicates how the ruling class is reaching a “dead end.” These wars are indicative of how the U.S./NATO are not interested in human rights or the working class.

Kishore reminds us that the elite, as Trotsky described it, are like priests of half-truths, and this is why the working class around the world must organize. The other outcome is the destruction of the middle-class and the orchestration of mass-layoffs. Only by shaking off the shackles of the two-party system can we overcome a domestication of NATO.

Kishore emphasizes that from the Socialist Equality Party perspective this is a global problem requiring a global solution, so we should work on uniting all the global working class. The way forward is to fight for socialism and bring forward “the traditions and history of past struggles.” He praises Thomas Jefferson as a founder and protector of democracy as opposed to today’s trend toward a fascistical financial oligarchy.

“Socialism not barbarism! Put an end to genocide and war!”

The handout from also has “A Call to the July 24 Demonstration: Take Forward the Fight Against Genocide and War!”

Besides the details of the Gaza genocide which had been described amply by many of the speakers at the ANSWER Coalition Rally, the emphasis is again laid upon Washington. Indeed, if one is skeptical about how the U.S. is indictable along with Israel at the ICJ, all one has to do is view the speech delivered by Netanyahu at Congress, and the reference by Speaker Mike Johnson of Netanyahu as “Your Excellency” as well as the numerous standing ovations he was given practically every other sentence during his speech.

The dramatic appearance of David North, and Joseph Kishore, at the SEP Rally in Washington DC this July 24, 2024 tells us that we are indeed living in nearly apocalyptic times. Unless the United States workers organize and act, the elite will relentlessly drive the West and the world towards a World War III that will engulf the planet in nuclear waste. They are planning to reshape the Middle East and the entire world while they still can, understanding that they are working under the threat of the collapse of the U.S.-Petrodollar. Rather than wage diplomacy, and perhaps prolong the dollar through peace and agreements, instead, it is still seen as more profitable to promote a third theater of conflict with China.

“The Socialist Equality Party is promoting three fundamental principles to overcome genocide and war:

1. The essential cause of war lies in the capitalist nation-state system, the global financial interests of the giant corporations, and the relentless drive of the American ruling class for world hegemony.

2. The struggle against war requires the mobilization of the immense power of the American working class and its political independence from the Democrats and Republicans, the ruling class parties of the imperialist war.

3. The movements against genocide and war must be international, uniting workers globally based on their common class interests.”

Whether one agrees with the Pabloite Socialists or the Socialist Equality Party, both do take a stand against the colonialist imperatives and mindset of the United States-Israel with regard to the war on Gaza. Everyone, even Richard Medhurst in his incisive analysis of the Netanyahu Speech (on his Rumble Channel), agree that there are ulterior motives for the West in Israel-Gaza and it has nothing to do with betterment for the situation for Palestinians, but rather for the exploitation for the Gazan natural gas offshore, the development of a seaport gas-terminal, and even per the “Oasis Plan” perhaps a new waterway to ship desalinated water from the Gaza coast inlands towards the Dead Sea.

Amid all these thorny issues, and the frustration of identity, and years of conditioning of recognizing the Jews as their colonialist masters, it is no wonder that the Semitics can be viewed as overly strident or having a narrow cultural lens at times. Both Jews and Moslems have a limited lens also because they do not have a Golden Rule in their spiritual texts that is as deeply ingrained as in Christianity. They do not actually have a Messiah who has resurrected and emphasized for them that the cycle of love-forgiveness-redemption is the only way to eternal life. Instead, they repeatedly revert to their tribalism and that is why they need to distinguish and even discriminate against those outside their orbit of understandings.

As far as Buddhism goes, there is absolutely no exception to “Ahimsa” the principle of do-no-harm. So one must repeatedly pray and Send Forth Righteous Thoughts for these troubled races and their repeated demonically-inspired karmic desecration of the Holy Land, that they truly awaken to the Good News of Salvation, and promote the wisdom of the Greater Vehicle especially in goodness, peacefulness, and neighborliness.


Report and photos by AGN, reporter takes responsibility for any adversarial expressions