2018 Environmental Film Festival in Washington Metro far from oblivion

This year’s environmental film festival in the nation’s capital comes with a sense of trepidation. Ever since the word “climate change” has been expunged from the Environmental Protection Agency website, the fate of climate science hangs in the air. In fact, at area public libraries, the books about climate change and global warming have shifted location to under social science.
Life goes on, and for millions of people around the world, climate change is a new reality, as well as shrinking global biodiversity, massive fires, and unhealthy ecosystems. The facts are not going to change whether or not research is funded, or other gambits such as taking websites offline, replacing scientists, or banning people from thinking or expressing.
According to DigitalJournal.com:
An unprecedented and alarming heatwave in the sunless winter Arctic is causing blizzards in Europe and forcing scientists to reconsider even their most pessimistic forecasts of climate change.
Enter the D.C. Environmental Film Festical (DCEFF), the nation’s premier showcase of environmentally themed films. Founded in 1993 by Smithsonian National Forum on Biodiversity Film Chair, Flo Stone, the festival has grown to include international embassies, renowned institutes, museums, movie venues, and world-class universities around the Metro region. As shown by past events, films are eligible to be nominated for different types of awards and prizes.
According to DCEFF.org:
Each March in Washington DC, we host the largest environmental film festival in the world, presenting 100+ films to audiences of more than 30,000. Filmmaker and topical discussions are an important part of our events which happen at museums, embassies, libraries, universities and local theaters throughout the city. We also present a year-round screening series and community events.
The 2018 festival runs from Thursday March 15th to Sunday March 25th.

Anote’s Ark – Anote Tong, Kiribati’s President, races to find a way to protect his nation (Director Matthieu Rytz)
The themes this year range from concern over loss of biodiversity, and rising oceans, to immersing oneself in beautiful new landscapes, historical journeys, and how-to-adapt-to-change. There are film shorts (lasting less than 40 minutes) to feature length movies (generally over 60 minutes) about experimental cities, grease recycling, gardens by the bay, and regenerative farming or ways to return carbon back to the soil.
One of the impacts of the Festival is the role it plays in facilitating dialogue year-round through programs and partnerships, or receptions with filmmakers, environmental experts, national leaders, and guests.
The best part is that most films, such as at those at museums and libraries, are reasonably priced—most tickets are $10.00 and many screenings are free.
Trailers are attached with the 2018 Schedule screen offerings and listings are also by location venues. For instance, under venue name National Geographic Society, the listings by date are shown and directions on how to get there. E-Street Cinema is another venue that will show film shorts and EFF features nearly every day.
AGN got a foretaste of EFF 2018 with the Mother Tongue Film Festival at the Smithsonian Museum in February. Japanese animation, The Fox of Shichigorosawa, told the tale of a fox forced to compete with rats. Ocean documentary, Sailing a Sinking Sea, was about the Moken, sea gypsies of Thailand and Myanmar, who must contend with the forces of acculturation and climate change. Producer, Olivia Wyatt, was present for the Q&A.

Film Festival part of Recovering Voices Program 2018 (Mother Tongue film shorts will be shown on March 17)
Photo from Zakouma National Park by Kate Brooks