Hey whitey, you are holding a drink! You must be an alcoholic!

A journey is more important than the destination

A journey is more important than the destination.


Success is not a destination but a journey.

But what if you are an Anti-heroine and your destination is less than assured?

The fact of the matter is that when society only recognizes results, it is in essence, blind.

We have paid for the wars and will continue to pay for them over the next 100 years, since already the country is trillions in debt, and yet the military budget is the only budget that matters, 700 billion more this year, not including military pay, pensions, and nuclear energy.

So housing and homelessness is probably one of the biggest problems in our time. It is such a pressing problem, considering our blithe and piecemeal solutions, guaranteed to ensure that more people will die faster than any public housing is replaced, while the select hide their development profits offshore.

This is the reason for a new blog:


Being homeless is nothing to be ashamed of. A wife with or without a husband often has very little under her name. A man without a home is not without a country. And elderly people have lived a lifetime of feather dreams.

So here’s to a real Thanksgiving, which is addressing a chronic problem at its root in the best intellectual tradition, by experiencing, reading, photographing, and writing about it.


Photo by AGN © 2017